Chapter 42 Practice and Truth of the Gift

Start from the beginning

Bellalos ignores and tenses tries to expand the shield again to protect Edward but Kate puts her hand on her neck and falls again in pain but Kate does not remove her hand

Belle: Kate! {annoying}

Kate: You need an incentive, I see if the children are awake? {smiling}

Nati: Don't you dare -he grabs her arm annoyed-

When she grabs her arm she screams and falls in pain and everyone like her looks at me in amazement

Kate: {Pained}-Try but I don't feel her power-Did you take my power away?

Nati: - You can see her hands- I have no idea {scared}

Alastir: - It's coming closer- Don't be scared, did you feel something? like a current coming towards you? {I laughed}

Garrett: And where did you come from? {confused}

Alastir ignores him and looks at me carefully.

Nati: Y-Yes .. when I was trying to expand my shield I just felt a current that came from Kate towards me slowly but never stops until now that it stops -you see- What do I do now? {worried}

Alastir: Fortunately I met a person who had that gift of yours and could take someone's gift for a short time or because that person could not have that power, when that happened he would take it away and destroy that gift if it was very dangerous.. unfortunately he died because he never wanted to belong to Aro's guard... he was a good friend of mine back then {serious and hurt}

Nati: - You see him sad- I'm sorry ... and how can I return it? {nervous}

Alastir: Do the same thing you tried to do with your shield, only you have to relax and spread what is not yours to the person you took it from.

I nod and relax as I feel that current coming out of me again this time a little faster going straight to Kate and after a few seconds I don't feel anything anymore

I walk over to Kate and shakily put my hand on her arm but nothing comes out and we both breathe a sigh of relief.

Kate: can't expand your shield but you can take gifts away from others {smiling}

Nati: I don't feel very comfortable doing that {embarrassed}

Bella: But it can help if someone attacks us, like Jane and Alec's gift, You're great -she gives him a peck- I'm ready to try again {excited and nervous}

Emmett: I see that my queen served as motivation -hugs her-

Kate approaches Edward slowly while he is nervous. Bella relaxes and spreads her shield once more. Kate puts her hand on Edward's arm and we are all surprised that he didn't fall to the ground in pain but rather that he is confused that he doesn't feel such pain and she removes her hand.

Edwar: It's painful but bearable {smiles}

Bella: -Smiles and kisses Nati- I want to do it again {happy}

Nate: me too

Edward: Emmet

Kate: Garrett

Garrett: I have no gift beautiful, sad for you {smiling lovingly}

Kate: Idiot -she smiles back-

I see them and I understand that they are partners ... it took a long time to tell the truth

Emmett: Hey I..I pass {nervous}

I smile and see that Alastir is entering the house and without being able to thank him for his help

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