04. Patching the Wounds

Start from the beginning

The Martinez's had moved back into their old house, which happened to be beside us.

"It was good I guess" I grumbled as I gently pushed past George, who had greeted me as soon as the front door was opened.

"Oh, come on, it can't have been that bad. Your only in middle school. The drama isn't until your older" George closed the door then chased after me to ruffle my hair.

"You don't know that" I said as I climbed the stairs.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" George asked, as I heard his footsteps stop.

"I don't know, can I?" I sarcastically asked as I turned to look at him.

"Sky" George groaned.

"G" I groaned back.

"What is going on out here?" Jay then walked out of the kitchen and into the entrance way, so that he could see me climbing the stairs, and George standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Nothing" I mumbled, as I turned my back to start climbing the stairs again.

"Sky, I know that when you're like this, there is definitely something wrong" Jay huffed in annoyance.

Clearly I was pissing them off.

"Nothing is wrong! Can you stop asking?" I exasperated.

"What are you doing?" Great, Blake just had to come out of his room.

"Just leave me the fuck alone" I said, trying to push past Blake, who was now standing at the top of the stairs, while George and Jay were at the bottom of the stairs.

"Nuh uh. You aren't going anywhere" Blake grabbed my scrawny elbow as soon as I had made contact with his body. His hand enveloped the size of my elbow. Is this the perks of having such a small appetite at my age? Your brother can easily stop you by holding your elbow in his hand. 

"Why?" I whined.

"Because we know there is something wrong and you aren't telling us what is wrong" of course Brayden just had to turn up as well.

"Well maybe I don't want to tell you all everything that goes on in my life. Maybe you should all understand that" I gritted my teeth together as I tried to push past Blake, but his grip didn't falter.

"Sky, we have the right to know" Jay tried to persuade me.

"You don't have the right to know. I don't want to tell you what is wrong, so leave me alone and stop pestering me" I tried to kick Blake in the knee, but Brayden came up and grabbed my other elbow, keeping me in place.

"Why can I hear all of this shouting?" Shane came down the hallway, looking at Blake, Brayden, and I with a confused expression on his face.

"Something happened at school today and Sky won't tell us what. We all know that something is wrong" George explained, no humour or goofiness in his voice.

"I don't understand why you all care so much about something that happened at school" I said, anger lacing my tone.

I don't understand why they care so much.

"We care because we are your siblings" Shane responded.

That same stupid sentence with siblings.

They use it like its supposed to make everything rainbows and sunshine again, when in reality, it just patches the sore for a while, until it can heal on its own.

Just like I did.

I ripped the bandage off when it felt right.

I had healed.

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