Chapter 50:My Life is like a Burger King: Unlimited Refills of Drama

Start from the beginning

"Yes!" I yell,"Yes Conrad Henderson is your biological father."

Alec takes a step back as if he's been shot. I try to reach him but he takes another step back and he looks hurt more than anything else.

"How long have you known?" He asks silently,"How do you know?"

I take a deep breath,"Alec let's talk about this-"

"I am not going anywhere until you tell me the truth."

"What truth do you want?" I say helplessly,"What-"

"I want you to tell me why you lied to me." He says,"I want you tell me why you cheated on me and most of all I want you to tell me why you didn't tell me about this when this was not your secret to keep."

"It's not my secret to tell either." I say quietly.

"It's him, isn't it?" He says,"Jake? He's the reason you haven't said anything. Did he ask you to hide this?"

Without even waiting for an answer Alec has already turned around. I'm frozen in shock staring after him unable to understand what exactly he was trying to do.

A wave of blind panic overwhelms me as I put two and two together and I force my feet forward catching up with Alec.

I grab Alec's wrist pulling him back,"Alec you can't." I say frantically,"You can't tell Jake, it will ruin him."

He laughs humourlessly,"Ruin him. Ruin him? It's not his world that's been turned upside down and yet all you can think about is him."

"That's not true." I say,"You have got to understand-"

"I don't understand." He interrupts,"My world around me is crumbling and the one person who I thought I could trust has been lying to me all this time. So tell me Clara what do you want me to understand?"

"I know Alec but I didn't have a choice." I continue helplessly,"How was I supposed to tell you? What was I supposed to tell you? Conrad Henderson may have been you're biological father but-"

"And who the hell are you to make that decision Clara?" He accuses and I flinch ,"Because it was not your decision to make and don't say you did this for me because you sure as hell did not."

"It was Conrad Henderson who told me, okay?" I say,"And even if I wanted to tell you I couldn't. He had made it very clear that if I opened mouth I wouldn't like the consequences."

He steps back so shocked that it completely wipes the anger from his face replacing it with utter confusion. I take advantage if that and grab his hand,"Alec please, I did it to protect you."

He rips his hands from mine,"Protect me? Are you even listening to yourself? Don't even start on this excuse. We both know if you really cared about me then you would have told me."

"That's not true-"

"Yes, it's true Clara." He says,"Don't lie to me. You did this for him, you're still doing this for him because once again you've chosen him over me."

"I chose you! I chose you!" I yell,"I couldn't tell you this because I was scared of what it would do to you Alec. I did this because I love you."

"I'm having a hard time believing that."

"Don't you dare." I say trying to control the tears that were threatening to spill out,"You can accuse me of lying and a lot of other things but don't you for a second think that you have the right of accusing me of not loving you."

We stare at each other silently his jaw set and his face torn between anger and pure despair.

"Then how could you do this?" He says softly,"How could you lie to me? How could you cheat on me?"

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