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Heyyy y'all I'm a vampire. Literally!

We vampires do exist and we dwell in the shadows.

I for one, live in a cave with my roommates and I happen to be a vegan vampire.

The vegan vampires of the world are a type of vampire that do not drink blood.

Unfortunately though, neither one of my two roommates are vegan vampires so the two of them drink blood, and it's quite frankly really disgusting.

One thing about vampires that many people get wrong is that we actually have four sets of fangs not just two at the top.

That is four pointy teeth at the top of our mouthes, and four at the bottom. They can come out and retract for various reasons, it's usually because food is spotted though.

Another thing about vampires that you might not already know is that we're night dwellers, and able to see and walk around much more comfortably during the night time.

Now as for me. My name is Callidora, or Calli for short. I don't typically venture out into the forest, since all kinds of creatures to hunt exist there and I'm not really into hunting, so there's really no point in leaving the cave.

One day though, it's a nice foggy night so I leave the cave to take a walk by myself, but I stop when I suddenly hear a sound in the distance.

I stop in my tracks and look up to see that something is rolling very quickly down a hill that I'm at the bottom of.

Since it's nice and dark outside I'm able to get a good look at the object as it's falling, and register that it's a body!!

Whoever it is screams a few times in a panic as they get closer and closer to me.

"Oh my god!" I say, then quickly step out of the way.

The body then keeps rolling past me and slams into a tree pretty hard, hitting its head.

"Oh my god!! Are you okay?!?" I say, nearing the body.

The first thing I noticed, was how silly it was dressed. It almost looked like the clothing was made by aliens. It was weirdly tight and the colours were disturbingly bright!!

I kneel down to examine the body, and determine that it was a man. He was of average build, tall, curly brown hair, but he appeared to be hurt.

I shook him a few times, and he was still unresponsive. I didn't recognize his face, but I assumed he was a vampire, since this is a pretty well populated vampire city. I was pretty confident he was just another vampire up until I saw it.

The man was bleeding on his head! It was very startling to see. Blood!! Real blood coming out of what looked to be a vampire.

He must be human!!! I realized that suddenly, and step back in a bit of terror.

A human? In this part of the woods? He must've gotten really lost...

Anyway the human appears to be hurt, and was bleeding on his head, and although vampires can do many spectacular things, we can't bleed.

The unconscious man was still breathing, so I knew he was alive but I didn't know what to do. Although, I felt I had to help him.

The Vegan Vampire & her pet Human Where stories live. Discover now