Chapter XII: Allies

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Alicia seemed down. Audrey spent the next hour trying to cheer her up. At last, Audrey had the urge to ask Alicia.

"What's wrong, Alicia?"

Alicia looked at Audrey with sadness in her eyes.

"Oh, I just realized that in the past few weeks before the bombing, my mom was trying to prepare me for a moment like this."

"A moment like what?"

"My mom died in the attack, and now, everyone is asking me what will happen next."

The general came around the corner.

"What happens next," The general started, "Is you will become the next Lupa."

"I was afraid of that."

"Why would you be afraid?" Audrey asked.

"A Lupa has to take on all the responsibilities of the village, which would be too much for me."

"Do not forget the Beta," The general reminded Alicia.

Alicia looked at Audrey.

"Of course, the Beta," Alicia remembered.

"Beta?" Audrey asked.

"A Beta is the Lupa's second-in-command and successor. That's why Luna is the next in line as a Lupa. She was Lupa's successor," The general explained, "A Beta must be chosen for the ceremony to begin."

"Then the ceremony will happen sooner than I thought," Alicia said.

"What do you mean?" Audrey asked, "Who will be your Beta?"

Alicia looked at Audrey yet again.

"Oh. It will be me?"

"Looks like it," The general said.

"The Village is in danger!" a villager yelled.

Alicia ran to the villager.

"How?" She asked.

"DeadEye was spotted approaching the village!"

"Go, warn the village." Alicia told the villager, "Tell them to get to shelter as soon as possible."

"Right away, Ma'am."

The villager ran the other way.

"General, NightHowl, come with me," Alicia said.

Audrey, Alicia, and the general ran to the front gates and were approached by DeadEye.

"We have no quarrel with The Red Wolves, leave at once," Alicia told him.

"I have no quarrel with you, Luna. I just need protection, I have left The Red Wolves."

"I require a minute," Alicia said.

"I don't know what to do," Alicia told Audrey and the general.

"I say we trust him," Audrey said.

"Are you mad? He is a part of The Red Wolves, he is not to be trusted!"

"Audrey, as much as I want to help him, he's already chosen a side. I'm sorry, but he can't be trusted." Alicia said.

Alicia went back to the gate.

"I'm sorry, DeadEye, but you aren't welcome here anymore," Alicia said.

"I am sorry that you aren't able to trust me. Goodbye."

DeadEye looked at Audrey, turned into his wolf form, then walked away.

Later that night, Audrey lay in bed. She heard a knocking on the window. She went to check what was outside. She saw DeadEye looking at her. She opened the window.

"What are you doing here? I thought you left."

"I did, but just before I did, I saw you and had to know."

"Know what?"

"I had to know if you were the same girl in the woods a few hours ago."

"That was you?"

"Yes it was, and I wanted to apologize for scaring you."

"Don't apologize. Because of you, I found my wolf form!"

"That's wonderful news!"

"Wait, I'm not supposed to trust you."

"And I know I don't deserve it, but you have to hear me out."

"Fine, come in, but make it quick."

DeadEye climbed through the window.

"I'm DeadEye, but the humans call me Andrew."

"I'm NightHowl, but the humans call me Audrey. Now, tell me what you want to say."

"I was a general in The Red Wolves, along with my twin sister."

"Ok, but first, tell me how The Red Wolves were formed."

"The Red Wolves were founded by BloodWolf, an evil wolf obsessed with power. At one point, BloodWolf was actually in The Lost Wolves. She was friends with Alicia and others. She was the sweetest wolf anyone here knew. Then, one day, that changed in the worst way possible. She left one day, and never returned craving power. A handful of wolves joined her, and that formed The Red Wolves. Of course, my sister and I were some of them."

"Hold on," Audrey said, "What part did you leave The Red Wolves?"

"Three years after the formation, BloodWolf became more obsessed with this idea of power. This made my sister want to leave. A few wolves agreed with her. They all left, and BloodWolf sent troops to kill them on sight."


"The troops succeeded."

"Sorry for your loss."

"I will rest easy when I get my revenge."

"Why should we accept you here in The Lost Wolves?"

"Audrey, I know every entrance, exit, weak point, everything about their fortress, without me, it's game over."

Audrey heard footsteps.

"Quick, get under the bed!" Audrey said.

DeadEye hid under the bed, and the general entered Audrey's hut.

"Where is he?"

DeadEye came out from under the bed.

"I'm right here."

"Leave this village and never return."

"Wait," Audrey said, "I heard him out, with him in The Lost Wolves, we have a huge advantage."

"In what way?" The general asked.

"I know every hiding place, every entrance, exit, and way into their fortress."

The general looked at Audrey.

"You believe him?"

Audrey nodded.

"Then we must get to the meeting hall. You to DeadEye."

Call of The Wolf Part 1/3: The Lost WolvesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora