Chapter VI: Plans Delayed

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About an hour later, Audrey and Alicia left the mall to go to the car. Audrey had gotten a gray dress for the date.

"That took a while," Audrey said out of breath.

"At least we got the dress," Alicia assured her. "I can't believe it was the only one left."

"Me neither, yesterday, there were like twenty," Audrey said confused.

"I don't know what happened, but let's head back and get ready for your date," Alicia said.

They got into the car and went back to Audrey's house. When they settled in the living room, the phone rang.

"Hello, this is Audrey."

"Hey Audrey, it's Alex."

"Oh, hi Alex, what's up?"

"I wish this didn't happen, but I was asked to go to Plymouth to investigate a crime scene urgently."

"You want to cancel?"

Alicia looked at Audrey wide-eyed, and mouth-dropped, then mouthed: "So we went and bought a $75 dress for nothing?" Audrey saw her then mouthed: " First of all, I don't know, something came up in Plymouth. Second of all, it was a deal for half off." Alex continued.

"No, no, no, I was thinking of delaying it until maybe 10:00 PM."

"Oh, ok. How long will it take you?"

"I'm guessing that if I leave now, then I will make it back at around the original time we had discussed."

"Oh, that makes sense, see you then."

"I truly am sorry that it had to be delayed."

"No problem, I have other things to do too."

"I was just called to come on the plane, see you later."

"Wait, you're literally at the airport right now?"

"Yes, I told you 'if I leave now."

"Oh, well bye then."


Audrey put down the phone and sat down.

"Jerk," Alicia said.

"It's been years, we both have our own lives now. I can't expect him to not be busy," Audrey said.

Alicia looked at her watch.

"Oh, shoot."


"My mom wanted me to be back home to help her get the ritual ready a half-hour ago."

"You should go."

"It doesn't make sense to run all the way to the woods."

"Then I'll drive you there."

They got in the car and drove to the woods.

"Phew, thanks Audrey, you're a lifesaver."

"I'm just helping out."

Alicia went into the woods, but by the time she was 10 feet into the woods, Audrey couldn't see her. She remembered that her classmates told her that she disappeared when she went in, then remembered that when she had The Dream of The Deal, she learned that she was in another dimension, so she put together that Alicia went through some sort of portal that only opened for wolf people. She drove back home.

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