Chapter IV: Memories

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Audrey was ready for bed, her easel and paintbrushes remained untouched since the coffee shop. She got into bed and fell asleep.


She started to wake up.


She opened her eyes, and she was sitting in front of Alicia, but she looked... different. She was wearing a hat that looked like a wolf's head, and brown-black leather.

"Alicia? Where am I?"

"Welcome back, Audrey."

"Back? Am I back in The Wolves Woods?"

"Your spiritual form is, while your physical form is back on earth."

"This isn't earth?"

"No, this is another dimension where the forest is endless."

"This is a different dimension?"

"Yes, now for the deal."


"You have been given the opportunity to join the pack known as The Lost Wolves. This is an invitation given to ten people every decade. When you are ready to accept or deny, you will have 'The Dream of the Choice'. Now, go make your choice by the next full moon."

"Yes, I will do that."

"Audrey closed her eyes again and she felt her back laying in bed. About 2 weeks later, the phone rang. She answered.


"Hi, is this Audrey Simmons?" A familiar voice said.

"Yes, this is her."

"It's me, Alex, you probably don't remember me."

"Oh, yeah! Good to see you again, I haven't seen you since graduation. How have you been?"

"I've been good, I recently moved to South Carolina, and I know that you live here as well, so I thought I would ask you for dinner."

"Yeah sure. When and where?"

"Would eight P.M. Tonight work for you?"

"I have nothing planned tonight, so that would work. Where would it be?"

"How about Jesse's Joint?"

"That'll be perfect, see you then."


Audrey put down the phone, then picked it up and dialed Alicia's number.


"Hey Alicia, it's Audrey."

"Oh, hi Audrey."

"I have something to tell you."

Audrey told Alicia about the call with Alex.

"He just straight up asked you out?"

"Yeah, it's crazy! One minute he's calling me to ask me how it's going, next minute he's asking me out."

"Yeah, it's weird that he would just show up out of the blue."

"I agree, it's like he came back for a reason."

"Did you tell him about me?"

"No, I never told a soul."

"I smell something fishy, and I'm a wolf-girl so my sense of smell is top-notch."

"What do I do?"

"Go on the date, and if he says anything about us, come straight to me."

"Ok, what's going on with you?"

"Oh nothing, My mom is all on my back about The Ritual of The Ten Wolves."

"Your mom is like you?"

"She's the village Lupa."

"She's the Roman goddess of the wolves?!?!"

"No, A Lupa is a female alpha named after the goddess."

"So that technically makes you a princess?"

"Not really, I'm the chooser."


"I choose who becomes a wolf-person."

They yet again said goodbye and hung up. At this point, it was about Nine-Thirty. She decided to turn the TV on.

On the TV was the news. The reporter said:

"Thank you, Jeffery, I'm Anne Perkins and We're live at the airport where famous detective and writer Alex Brown arrives here in South Carolina today!"

The reporter went over to Alex.

"Detective Brown, why have you come here to South Carolina?"

"Well, Anne, I came here to see an old friend that I haven't seen for about five years."

"Are you willing to say who you are here to see?"

"I am here to see a three-time appearance in 'Young Artists who may Become Famous' Audrey Simmons."

"How do you know Audrey Simmons?"

"Well, Anne, we met in seventh grade, that's the day when... the day when."

"The day when what happened?"

"It's nothing."

Audrey turned the TV off and smiled. Alex was coming to South Carolina to see her.

Audrey picked up the phone and dialed Alex's number.

"Alex, you successful detective."

"What is it?"

"I just saw the news."

"So you know the reason I came?"

"Yes, very thoughtful."

"Hey, are we still on for tonight?"

"Of course, it's only been an hour."

"Oh, I thought that after that, you would feel weird about it. I thought that you would cancel."

"There's nothing wrong."

"Ok, I should go. I've got to get the reservation, and get ready."

"Good idea, that Jesse's Joint can get pretty full at eight."

"Well then, there's no time to lose. See you later!"


Audrey hung up, then yet again, dialed Alicia.

"Hey, Alicia!"

"Audrey, I was just about to call you back. Anything new?"

"No, I was just wondering if you wanted to go shopping and get ready?"

"Yes. I was about to ask you the same thing to get to know you more."

"What timing! You want to come over to my place, and I'll drive us?"

"Sure, see you in about an hour."

Two hours passed, Audrey was starting to get worried. The doorbell rang. Audrey opened the door, and Alicia was standing there, out of breath.

"I'm so sorry I'm late."

"No problem. Where were you by the way? I was getting worried."

"Oh, my mom wanted me to help out a little bit more with getting The Ritual of The Ten Wolves ready, so that delayed me."

"Oh, that makes sense. Oh, come in."

They walked inside and sat down.

"Would you like anything? I have water, lemonade, and coke?"

"No, no, no. I'm fine."

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, let's go."

They hopped into the car and left for the mall.

Call of The Wolf Part 1/3: The Lost WolvesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz