Day four post op.

Teddy has decreased the amount of morphine she was getting by a lot. While she wasn't in excruciating pain, she still had to be careful about what movements she did.

"You okay?" Derek asked as he looked up from the magazine he was flipping through. "No! I'm bored but I can't get up or else it'll hurt. And this stupid TV doesn't let me watch anytning halfway decent." Meredith ranted.

"I'm sorry." Derek chuckled sympathetically, standing up and walking over to her bed. He brushed the hair off her forehead for a minute before kissing it gently.

"Come here." Meredith smiled softly, opening her arms slightly. Derek kicked off his shoes and carefully climbed into the bed.

"I can go home later. Grab some stuff for you." Derek suggested as she carefully moved herself so her head could rest on his chest.

"Okay." Meredith nodded, curling into his side. "Feeling okay?" he asked softly, rubbing his hand up and down her arm gently.

"Just bored and achy." She replied with a sigh. "I'm sorry." Derek replied, kissing her forehead carefully. "But, I did bring my laptop." He said, leaning over the bed and grabbing his briefcase. "And I may or may not have downloaded your favorite movie." He added with a grin.

"You downloaded Castaway?" Meredith asked, her lips turning up into a smile. "Yup. I'll go grab you it soon." He replied.

"You should also bring me some fries or sometning too. I'm starving." Meredith suggested with a hopeful look in her eye. "You're still on a liquid diet. Sorry." Derek said sympathetically.

"Ugh." Meredith groaned. Her energy was fading fast and she didn't feel like talking anymore. "Take a nap. I'll grab your stuff while you're asleep." He whispered.

"Okay. Love you." Meredith mumbled in response, already half asleep. "I love you too."


Derek sighed as he drove back to the house for the first time since the shooting. He knew Meredith would be asleep for hours probably, but he still wanted to be there as soon as he could.

"Hey." Derek said as he walked into the house, seeinf mark and lexie in the kitchen with a man Derek wasn't very fond of.

"Hi, Derek." Lexie replied, looking nervous. "Derek, you know my dad. Thatcher." She said with a tight lipped smile.

"Yeah. Hi." Derek said, shaking thatchers hand quickly. "I, uh, I heard about the shooting. How-how is she? Meredith?" Thatcher asked.

"She's gonna be fine." Derek replied. "I just came to get some stuff and shower." He added. "Well, we were gonna head to the hospital. We'll wait for you." Mark suggested.

"Okay. Give me 20 minutes." Derek said. Mark nodded and Derek ascended up the stairs to their bedroom.

Everything looked completely normal. The bed was made neatly like Meredith had made it that morning. It was hard to believe that such a tragic event happened just hours after.

Derek sighed as he went to the bathroom and turned on the hot water. As the water pelted down on his skin, he made a mental note of what to bring Meredith.




When he got out of the shower, he threw some clean clothes on before grabbing an old duffel bag out of the closet and finding some clothes for Meredith.


Meredith woke up to a nurse checking her incision and couldn't go back to sleep. She desperately wanted to be out of the ICU so she wouldn't be checked on every 15 minutes.

"Grey?" A voice called out from the door way. "Come in." Meredith replied, her voice quiet. Her chest was bothering her more than before and she knew she was due for another dose of morphine.

"Hey. I just wanted to check in on you." Dr Bailey said as she walked into the room, looking exhausted. "You okay?" Meredith asked, noticing the expression her mentor had on her face.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Dr Bailey scoffed. Meredith looked at her expectantly and Bailey sighed. "You interns drive me insane. One of you died. One of you had cancer. Now two of you were shot. You guys may be worse than my four year old." Dr Bailey admitted.

"Sorry." Meredith mumbled, though she was smiling. Turns out bailey actually did care for her interns.

"Do you know how Alex is doing?" Meredith asked. Cristina had told her previously about what happened.

"I visited him this morning. He's right down the hall. He'd actually a little better off than you are. Taking a few steps and sitting up." Bailey explained.

"Oh, good." Meredith replied. "I can see if he wants to come visit later." She offered. "Plewse. I'm bored. I need some type of entertainment." Merefitn replied desperately.

"Speaking of entertainment, where's Shepherd?" Bailey asked. "He's at home. He went to grab some stuff." She answered, rubbing her chest with a wince.

"Hmm. You need some more morphine?" Bailey asked, picking up her chart and opening it. "Teddy lowered it yesterday but I think I'm almost due for another round." Meredith explained.

"Yes you are. I'll take care of that for you." Bailey said with a nod as she got to work. "Thank you." Meredith breathed in relief.


Derek, mark, Lexie, and thatcher all arrived at the hospital shortly after. Derek wasn't very happy about Thatcher seeing Meredith, but he figured it was her choice.

"Hey. I brought some stuff form home." Derek whispered as he stepped into her room, kissing her forehead gently.

"Thank you." Meredith replied with a sleepy smile. "Um, your dad is here." Derek said. Meredith looked surprised.

"He wants to see you. I can tell him no."

"Um, is lexie here too?" Meredith asked hesitantly. "Yeah; she is." Derek replied. "I should probably talk to him, right?"

"You don't have to, Mer." Derek said. "Send him in. But I want lexie with me too." Meredith sighed.

Hey guys!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. If you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to let me know. Thanks for reading!!

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