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"Can I see her?" Derek asked hopefully. "Sure. Only immediate family for now." Dr Schaffer replied.  "Okay. I'll see you guys later and let you know how she is." Derek said to everyone waiting for her before walking with Schaffer.

"The bullet barely missed her heart. She was very lucky." Dr Schaffer said softly. "Okay." Derek breathed. "She's still intubated. I want her to come off it on her own time. She's sedated for now, just to let her incision settle for a little longer." He explained.

"Okay." Derek said as he stepped into the ICU room his wife was In. Dereks heart dropped when he saw her pale and lifeless form laying in bed.
"She should be awake in a few hours. I'll give you some privacy." Dr Schaffer said gently before leaving.

"I'm here Mer." Derek whispered, tears forming in his eyes as he pulled a seat over by Meredith's bed. "I'm here." He repeated, his thumb stroking her hand gently.

Derek just sat and watched her. The tube down her throat forcing rhythmic breaths. The gentle rise and fall of her chest.

Derek hated seeing her this way. His father was shot all those years ago, basically right in front of him. But he survived. And Meredith would too.


Lexie was scared to see her sister in this state. She wouldn't admit it, but she was terrified. "Do you want me to come with you?" Mark asked.

Mark was being the picture perfect boyfriend right now. But she needed to do this on her own. Meredith took lexie in and protected her when she needed to, and now it was Lexies turn to take care of her older sister.

"No. Thank you. I need to, uh, to this by myself." Lexie replied. "Okay. I'll be outside if you need me." He said, kissing her cheek before lexie walked off into her room.

Her breath caught in her throat as she saw her sister lying lifeless on the bed. "She should be up in a few hours." Derek said, looking up to her.

"Can I-can I have a few minutes alone?" Lexie asked timidly. "Sure. I need to go call my parents anyways. I'm sure they're freaking out." Derek said, standing up and giving one last look at his wife before leaving the room.

"Hey Mer. I just want you to know I'm here. I'm always gonna be here. You're gonna be okay." Lexie whispered.

She continued talking to Meredith for a while, and it did make her feel better. Of course she would feel better when Meredith woke up, though.


Meanwhile, Derek stepped outside to call his mom.

"Derek Christopher? Are you okay? Why didn't you call me?" His moms worried voice called out through the phone.

"I'm fine, mom. Just been busy." Derek replied tiredly, rubbing his hands over her face. "What aren't you telling me? Is Meredith okay?" Carolyn, his mom, asked.

Now, Carolyn and Meredith may not have really known each other, but by just that one visit, she could tell just how much Derek loved her.

"She was shot." Derek said, his voice breaking. "Oh, Derek. Is she...." Carolyn asked as she felt her husband tense next to him. Any talk of guns or shootings always made him a little nervous.

"She's alive. The bullet barely missed her heart but she's alive in the ICU." He explained a little furthermore.

"Are you okay?" His father, Mike Shepherd asked quietly. "No." Derek laughed. "How can I be okay when my wife is intubated and sedated?" He asked.

"Your father and I will be on the next flight down, okay? Will you keep us update if anything happens?" Carolyn asked.

"Of course." Derek replied. "We love you, buddy." Mike said. "I love you guys too." Derek answered, as they hung up the phone.

Derek wasn't sure if Meredith would want his parents there. But Mike survived it and Derek had a feeling he could help her deal with the emotional and physical pain of it.

And then his mother. Carolyn was the most loving mother and woman. She was the picture perfect mom. And he knew that if Meredith let Carolyn take care of her, it would help a lot.


A few hours later, Derek was in the cafeteria when Lexie ran up to him. "Derek, she's awake. She's asking for you." Lexie said.

Derek quickly ran up to her room in the intensive care unit and opened the door.

When lexie said she was awake and asking for him, he thought she'd actually be awake and asking for him.

Not laying, still intubated, with just her eyes open. "Hey. Hey." Derek said softly, walking over to
Her and grabbing her hand.

Meredith looked up at Hm, straight into his blue eyes and the look she had made him want to hold her and never let her go.

"You're gonna be okay. Are you in pain?" Derek asked. "Squeeze my hand once for yes and twice for no." He added.

Meredith hesitated before squeezing his hand once. The pain was radiating all throughout her body and it was almost to the point of unbearable.

"I'll get you some pain meds." Derek said with a nod, pressing the call button. "Are you scared?" Derek asked. He could just tell by the look on her face that she was terrified.

She squeezed his hand again and he kissed her forehead. "You don't have to be scared. The shooter killed himself. It's over and you're safe." He said soothingly.

Meredith nodded to the best of her ability and he cupped her cheek with his large hand. She Leaned her face into his hand and took comfort in that.

"I love you." He whispered. Meredith squeezed his hand three times, and he knew what that meant. "I know." Derek replied as he kissed her softly on the forehead.

Hey guys!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. If you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to let me know. Thanks for reading!!

Today's Happiness Tomorrow's Pain حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن