Once Meredith was all cleared to get the tube taken out the next morning, Dr Schaffer came in and did so. "Meredith, welcome back." He said softly with a smile as he checked her sats and paged another one of his doctors.

Meredith was exhausted, yet she just woke up no more than 5 minutes ago. It was also only 7:30 in the morning. "Hi. I'm Dr Walker." A brown haired woman came in with a smile.

"Meredith, Dr shepherd, this is Dr Walker. She is our cardiothoracic chief. I just wanted her to come in and take a look considering the bullet almost nicked your heart." Schaffer explained.

Dr Walker did a few tests and then smiled sympathetically. "Dr Grey, I need you to just stay awake for a few more minutes." She said softly.

"I need you to clear your lungs for me, okay?"

Derek grabbed Meredith's hand supportively and looked at her encouragingly. Meredith breathed in shakily and then let out a hacking cough.

Her eyes went wide in pain and she whimpered. "Good job, good job." Dr Walker said soothingly.

Her chest was burning. Literally on fire. And all dhe wanted to do was sleep. "I know it hurts but if you do it one more time, we'll give you some more pain medication." She explained.

Derek wiped away a tear from her cheek and Meredith coughed once again.

Dr Walker pushed more medication and Meredith's cries stopped as she fell asleep. Walker strapped on an oxygen mask, as well, just for precaution.

Derek figured she'd sleepy for the first few days, but he was just glad she was alive.

"You should get some rest. It's always as hard on the loved one as it is the patient." Dr Schaffer advised before leaving the room.

Derek took his advice and make a little bed on the couch in her room, and crashed as soon as his head hit the pillow. He was exhausted too.


Mike and Carolyn shepherd touched down at Seattle Tac Airport at about 9 in the morning. By 9:45, they were in a cab on the way to the hospital.

Carolyn could tell her husband was a little antsy. Anytime a gun was mentioned, he got tense and nervous. He was shot, but he survived. That day would haunt him forever though.

"Dereks okay, dear. Relax a little bit." Carolyn said softly. "I know, I know. But he's gotta be worried. I mean, remember what you were like when I was shot?" Mike replied.

It's true. Carolyn was a wreck.

"I'm sure he is, Mike. But the shooting is over. Just remember that." Carolyn said as the cab came to a stop.

Mike paid and the two of them walked into the hospital. "Hi. I'm looking for my son, Derek Shepherd. Um, his wife is here. Meredith Grey." Carolyn said to the receptionist.

"Room 1003 in the ICU, straight down the hall and to your right." The lady replied, handing them visitor stickers.

Mike and Carolyn walked to the room, and smiled slightly when they saw their son sitting on a chair inside their daughter in laws room.

"Hi, sweetheart." Carolyn said quietly. "Mom, dad. Hi." Derek replied, standing up and hugging them both.

"We're so glad your okay, buddy." Mike said, hugging his son extra tight. "Yeah." Derek breathed looking back at his sleeping wife.

"How is she?" Carolyn asked as she took in the pale form of Meredith. "She's gonna be fine. They only took the tube out this morning and she was in a lot of pain." Derek explained.

"And are you okay?" Mike asked gently. "No." Derek admitted, sitting back down. Carolyn and Mike sat down beside him and she rubbed his back soothingly.

"This is all my fault. I should've seen he would've dome something like this." Derek sighed. "No, you shouldn't have. No one can see something like this coming. This isn't your fault." Mike replied.

Derek opened his mouth say sometning when the sounds of his wife whimpering In her sleep stopped him.

"An eye for an eye. A wife for a wife. I want Dr Shepherd to suffer and feel the way I do right now. I want him to feel like his heart was ripped out of his chest. And I want you to die."

Meredith woke with a jolt and a sharp inhale of breath. She sat up, but quickly regretted it as her incisions pulled.

"ah." Meredith rasped. "Hey, you're okay. You're okay." Derek said soothingly. "Where.....gun." Meredith whispered, her eyes wide in fear.

"He's dead. You're safe. Lay back, okay?" Derek said gently. She shouldn't be sitting up one day post-op from a major surgery.

Meredith did so, although her chest was now throbbing in pain and her breaths were coming in sharp.

"Just breathe." Derek whispered, taking the oxygen mask and pulling it around her head. He increased the outflow and stroked her face lightly.

Merediths eyes were still darting across the room, until she sat eyes on two older people, watching the two. Meredith tensed up and she squeezed Derek's hand.

"It's okay. They don't have anything to hurt you. These are my parents. You met mom, remember?" Derek asked. Meredith nodded slightly.

Carolyn and Mike walked closer and she smiled. "I'm sorry this happened to you, but I'm so glad you're okay." Carolyn said with a soft smile, giving Meredith a motherly kiss on the forehead.

"I'm Mike." The older man said with a dazzling smile, just like his son's. "Hi." Meredith whispered, her voice raspy through the oxygen mask.

Derek noticed her struggling to stay awake. "You can sleep." He whispered. Meredith turned to face him and let her eyes close.

"Poor thing." Carolyn murmured. "She'll be okay." Mike said with a definitive nod. "Derek, let's go get some food. You look like you need it." His mother said.

"Okay." Derek gave him, texting Cristina quickly to stay with Meredith while he was gone.

Hey guys!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. If you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to let me know. Thanks for reading!!

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