Dishes (5)

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I gasped as a ball of soapy bubbles hit me right in the face. I turned around slowly to face a giggling Doctor, who was clutched her stomach while wheezing. I made a pouty face and put my hands on my hips, trying to look stern.

" Doctor! Not funny!"

She laughed and held onto Ryan for support, who was also laughing violently. I turned around, stomping my foot in the process and continued on the dishes. The whole point of this day was to clean the Tardis, not make more of a mess with throwing round bubble-

I gasped yet again, as a handful of soap hit me on the back of the head. I whirled around, finger ready to point threateningly at the offending person. Ryan.

" Oi! Not fair, two against one!"

I yelled. The Doctor just giggled evilly, making me groan. Then, I had an idea. I smirked, before turning in the direction of the door.


I yelled, making Ryan groan and The Doctor gasp. Graham entered the room minutes later, eyes wide at the scene before him.

" The Doctor and Ryan decided to team up on me in our soap-fight!"

I said indignantly. Graham groaned and stood besides me.

" I wouldn't pick him as a partner, he's too old, aren't ya Grandad!?"

Ryan teased. I smirked and responded quick as could be.

" We'll, The Doctors several thousand years old so I don't think she really matters."

The Doctor gasped dramatically and Graham grinned.

" That's it, Y/N, no mercy! This is war!"

" oh, you're on, Doctor."

She smirked determinedly and all four of us gathered soap in our hands, before launching it at each other. Ryan wasn't letting his dyspraxia stop him, and was doing at least as well as Graham. I cursed furiously as The Doctor giggled.

She bent down to gather more bubbles, and that's when it happened. I slipped, right in front of The Doctor, my bubbles flying out of my hands.


I screamed, as The Doctor and Ryans laughter rang out. Five minutes later, we all lay on the floor covered in bubbles.

" So... Much... For... Cleaning..."

Ryan panted. I laughed breathlessly. The Doctor locked hands with me, and I looked over at her blushing furiously.

" This is not over Doc!"

"Whatever you say Y/N.."

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