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Her hands gingerly took the box into themselves as she held it close to her chest, curled into the corner of a dank and cold cell. It gleamed softly in what little light was allowed through, catching the child's interest. It was a puzzle she was compelled to solve, twisting and pulling, pushing and clicking until she could get it just right. Her fingertips bleed from its sharp edges, her movements becoming more frantic as if her life depended on it-

She would die if she couldn't solve the puzzle.

Footsteps echoed down the corridors as her heart quickened its pace, her chest squeezing in on itself as she could barely breathe. Her salvation lies within this puzzle. A quick and hastey turn propelled a knife into her thumb, causing her to drop it as blood dropped down into its cracks. With one more hastey turn, music softly played.

And that is when the hooks came, but not for its solver. 

The hell priest's apprentice. (Completed).Where stories live. Discover now