chapter 11

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B)Text Ayanokoji and ask to eat with him, ask about his intentions.

I'm still curious about the intentions of Ayanokoji. I would rather have a discussion on what his intentions are so we can cooperate in the future.

I brought out my phone and tapped his contact.

(Shin) : Hey Ayanokoji, would you like to have lunch with me.

(Ayanokoji) : Sure, I would like that.

“Chabashira-sensei mentioned that the midterm is coming up soon.
Remember that if you fail, you’ll be expelled. Therefore, I think it would be a good idea to form a study group. What do you think Shin-kun?"

"I think that's a great idea but I have student council business so I trust you as a class member to lead this discussion," I said while standing up.

"Oh ok, thanks for agreeing Shin," he replied.

I left the classroom and looked at my phone.  Everyone didn't mind me leaving because they knew I was a part of the student council. So I made Hirata my second in command and he would lead when I'm busy. It's also useful to have him because I can be focusing on other things in the background while leaving him to lead since he's popular.

Kushida is also popular and liked so she could be a good second in command but for some reason, she is obsessed with Horikta and her reason is that she doesn't want Horikta to be alone. But she never approached Sakura even though she's always alone by herself. If she's worried about her being alone then shouldn't she be worried about Sakura being alone as well? What is she hiding? 

On a good note, I managed to learn all of my classmates' names.

Disrupting my thoughts was the door sliding open. Ayanokoji came out of the classroom, I waved at him and he came towards me.

"Let's go, Ayanokoji."

Ayanokoji followed me to the cafeteria and we made small chats on the way. I chose one of the cheapest meal sets. Together, we sat down.

"'Ayanokoji, I think it's best I get straight to the point because even you know it's unusual for me to leave a class discussion just to have lunch with a classmate."

"You're right, I wondered why you lied about going to the student council and asking me out for lunch, I don't think you're the type to ignore a class situation like this," he replied.

"Well I think I'm dealing with something much more important here, in your entrance tests you got all 50 in the exams and in the recent tests you got a 50, can I ask why you did it?" I phrased my question without any malicious intent so he did not get the wrong idea, best to be careful.

Ayanokoji's eyes widened a little in shock but it quickly went back to his normal poker face.

"How do you know that?" He replied.

"Well I'm a part of the student council and I have access to this type of information, don't get me wrong Ayanokoji I don't plan to force you to work for the class if you don't want to, I would rather have a clear idea of why you're doing it instead of an unknown reason that makes me paranoid," I answered honestly.

"I don't plan to betray the class if that's what you're thinking about, I  just want to be a normal student in this school, I'm gonna make it clear here I don't have any intention of reaching class A and you probably already guessed that," he stated.

So he just wants a normal school life huh. How does manipulating your entrance exam score lead to normal school life?  Also, why would he want to experience normal school life, has he never experienced one? Did he get bullied so he didn't experience a normal one? With his body I'm pretty sure he can beat his bullies, I'll think about it later.

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