My dad signaled the pack through mind-link. I could hear so many voices in my head, but his voice stood out despite the reports that kept coming in. His voice was loud and strong, a true leader, a true Alpha. In that moment, I began idolizing my dad even more. My eyes flickered to the elite warriors. They were looking at him with respect. We stood our ground, and even though 14-year-old me was scared shitless, the Alpha in me wanted to go for blood. I was threatened. We were threatened in our own area. Yet the only thing my dad felt at the moment, as I could tell, was his rush, the need to protect us, and that he was the Alpha and no one could incite fear on him.

As soon as we heard my dad's signal, the elite warriors attacked. All the trainings they'd done were put into action. The hunters managed to hurt a few warriors, and some were even critical as their arrows, tainted with a silver liquid, pierced through their sides, which prevented them from healing faster.

A single drop of silver could affect our immune system, and it would immobilize us enough if we received more. If we are not taken care of immediately, if the silver hasn't been taken out of our system as soon as possible, we'd die.

The battle took a bit longer as more and more hunters came to help their comrades. Other packs heard the battle, and they joined the fight as soon as possible. I did the best I could to battle them, and there was one moment I was nearly stabbed. If it weren't for Luke, part of the elite warrior, I would have been dead. Dad only received a couple of wounds, but the blood was oozing out of it. I could tell that he was wounded by a silver dagger, but his face remained strong. It never contorted into pain. He was immediately tended to.

We ended the run after the bloody fight, and my dad made sure to thank the other packs who joined the battle. There was a congratulatory hugs and talks, but after a few minutes, we went home. Dad checked on each one who was with us, and he made sure that everyone was getting the help and medicine they needed. And then he checked on me, which was so great, and I admired him for that.

Now I'm faced with similar situations. We are in great danger. As much as I hate to admit it, the hunters have the upper hand. They've got weapons, armors, and they are many. Even though Elliot, Elena, and Ethan have godly powers –and probably I do, too–, I know better than to keep myself still at the moment.

"Leon, duck!" Ethan shouts. I duck immediately, eyes widening when there's a hunter running towards me, holding a dagger. Ethan throws something at the hunter, and in a second, I'm splattered with blood.

I let my mouth agape, looking at my mate, a bit mortified, before regaining my composure. I pounce on several hunters, getting hurt in the process as their armor made out of silver makes contact with my skin. I let out a hiss before my paws lighten up, and with a slap, the hunter comes flying backwards. Elliot notices what I did, and to be honest, I don't know how I did it. He nods at me.

"You're hurt," Ethan says, his tone worried but his eyes are trained on the hunters.

Letting out a feral growl, I say through mind-link, "I'm fine. Hunters first. Me later."

"We need to close that portal!" Elena yells.

More and more hunters come through the portal, their numbers even more terrifying. Elena and Elliot, from what I can tell, are already exhausted. Beads of sweat run down on Elliot's face, and despite having the great physique and strong endurance, his wounds are already making it hard for him to continue moving. Elena tries to get to the portal, but a group of hunters block her. I run after her, trying to be as much as help as possible, but the hunters open fire on me. Two bullets graze my arm and I let out another painful hiss.

When Ethan sees this, his eyes glow blue and he lets out a yell. The yell causes them to stumble, and those who fired their guns get thrown. They hit the wall, and when they reach the ground, they look dead. Unfortunately, this takes a toll on Ethan. He lets out a huge sigh, and I can tell how tired he really is.

We've taken down so many hunters, but with the portal open, they just keep coming and coming. What's worst is that we three are wounded. Not just any wound, but a wound inflicted by weapons that are fortified with silver. Weapons that are designed to kill us.

The hunters, their face now outright creepy, are smiling at us with their lips tugged on a menacing smile. I hold my mate's hand, and Ethan just gives me a tired smile. Elena and Elliot look defeated. There's a blood running across Elena's cheek. Elliot touches his mate's cheek, and Elena leans into his touch.

"I'm so glad you're my mate, Leon," Ethan tells me in a whisper.

"And I'm glad you accepted me despite me being a complete asshole,"

"Yeah, you are an asshole."

Before the hunters open fire, a loud explosion causes them to stumble. We turn to look, and a group of werewolves enter through the portal. They are led by the Great Alpha, and there's someone standing close to him. It's probably his mate.

The hunters turn their attention on them and then open fire. A group of enchanters and pixies use their magic to protect them and us, then the werewolves launch themselves towards the hunters. I sigh in relief when I see my dad among them. His eyes meet mine, and he gives me a smile. I'm proud of you, son.

My eyes swell. I stand up, grabbing my mate's hand, and he then holds his parents' hands. We all rise, then we join the fight against the hunters who tried to kill us. The Great Alpha goes on full Alpha mode, punching, grappling, and throwing the hunters without holding back. His mate is doing the same thing. The magic users are using their powers to push the hunters who get too close, and then they put them to sleep.

Once the hunters are either dead or asleep, the Great Alpha's mate comes forward.

"I'm Kieran. I heard you calling."

"Ethan, and this is my mate, Leon."

"Nice to meet you both," Kieran gives us a small smile. "You asked for the moon to turn blue, and I heard it, and somehow, it gave me this surge of power to grant it. I don't know how I did it, and then I saw these shrines right before my eyes... and I'm not sure why. I feel like I have a strong affinity for it."

"This is because these shrines are our true home, Kieran." Elena says, smiling at him. "Oh, you just look like your father."

"You knew my dad?"

"I knew your parents, Kieran, and I can tell they are so proud of you right now."

This makes Kieran teary-eyed, and his mate joins him. The Great Alpha gives him a hug and kisses his forehead, then he ushers us to follow him. The enchanters and pixies heal our wounds. We say thanks. We head through the portal, and Elliot closes it. I squeeze my mate's hand before kissing him on the lips, and I can already feel him smiling.

The Broken Werewolves: The Alpha's Runaway Werewolf (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now