Battle of Shiganshina

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| Paradi |
Volume 4
Ch. 55 Battle of Shiganshina



How could he...

I hold my belly

How could he be so cruel?

After washing myself I get changed


I'm missing my mothers necklace and my shoes

I probably left them with...

God, how stupid can I be?

I sneak over to Kara's room

I was about to open the door when I suddenly heard Historia inside

"Those scars all over your body. You have to tell me how you got them." She tells Kara

Before I heard Kara answer someone grabs my collar and drags me into the neighboring room

"Mmm!" I try shouting but they had a hand over my mouth

"Shhh! It's us!" Connie whisper-shouts

"Yeah, be quiet!" Hange moves her hand

"Why'd you.."

"Do you want to die?" Connie asks

Everyone was here Jean, Armin, Eren, Hange, Connie even Mikasa had her ear to the wall, except for Levi he was just sitting in the corner

"Here. Drink this." Hange hands me a cup

"What is it?"

"Water." She squints her eyes

"O-Okay..." I drink the water before handing it back

"What's it taste like?" She asks


Tastes like water.. like she said it was...

"Hmm..." she nods

"What do you think happened?" We hear Kara in the room over

"W-well... I don't think you got them from falling off a cliff.. o-or fighting any animals like you've said. There's far too many of them. And they're awfully specific. I mean even your..."

She's right..

Even his thing isa covered in scars

I close my legs

It was scary

"Then what do you think happened?" He asks again

"Well.. I think... someone.. horrible... did these things to you."


"Yeah..." Kara sighs

"R-really?" Historias asks with an unsteady voice. "Why?"

"Because why not? Seriously, Historia. I don't need your Pity"

"I'm not pitying you. I just want to know what happened!"

"Well, I don't know why. Okay? I have no idea why these things happened to me, of all people."

"W-were you alone?"

"Yes, it was just me."


"It was only me."

"Y-you're lying..."

"What? Why would I lie?"

"B-because.. y-you're ashamed..."

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