Battle of Shiganshina ii

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| Book Two |
Volume 4
Ch. 56 Battle of Shiganshina


I charge at Reiner knowing Annie was right behind me and I duck under his fist before body slamming him onto the ground

I stand up grabbing both his legs and do a quick 180 attempting to smash him onto Annie but she sees it coming and throws herself onto the ground letting Reiners armored titan fly over her head

I quickly grab Annies hair before as she got back up and I smash her face into building after building as I ran down the street before tossing her into the open field like a rag doll

I jerk my body around knowing Reiner was quickly catching up and I raise my left hand blocking his fist

He pulls his arm back, as he did I raise my right knee up to my chest, blocking his foot

I slam that same foot into his chest

It wasn't enough to knock him back so he grabs a tight hold of my foot

I could hear Annie charging from behind so I jump into the air twisting my body into a full 360 all the while Reiner didn't let my foot go for a second so my leg snaps and twists with my body

I slam my heel on his chin knocking him back

With the same motion I land on the same left leg I just decked Reiner in the face with and I smash my broken foot onto Annie's head sending her crashing into the building beside us and completely obliterating my foot

I raise my leg as it grew back getting ready to stomp down on Annie's head before I feel Reiner wrap his arms around my waist

He raises me into the air before slamming me on my back

"Kgh" I grunt, rolling back onto my feet

I take a few steps back as both Titans charged right beside one another

I block Reiners fist but I'm forced to tank Annie's kick to my abdomen

I wrap my tail around Annie's ankle making sure she stood still for me

First, I slam my forehead into Reiners nose then I elbow Annie in the face

As Riener trips back he reaches out trying to find something that would keep him from falling

I give him a nasty little grin before shoving my fingers into his mouth I grab a tight hold of his jaw before jerking it back and forth

He grabs my wrist trying to get me to let go but I began slamming his head into the ground

In one final attempt I stomp down on his forehead before finally yanking his jaw off his face

Gallons of blood burst out of his Titan mouth

I turn around as Annie finally got to her feet and I shove Reiners Jaw into her throat

"kgh*" she grabs her throat as she stumbles back

I turn around knowing Reiner wasn't going to waste any time so I shove my hand into his mouth, grabbing a tight hold of his main body before ripping him out

"Ghk fuck!" Reiner grunts as I raise him over my mouth

Finally, I smile widely

But before I could drop him into my mouth I lose feeling in my hand


That bitch, she drops the blade she forged from her hardening as Reiner frees his arms and bites down on his hand imitating Eren

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