Wall Rose

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| Gaia |
Volume 3
Ch. 39 Wall Rose


I rampage around the city at full throttle taking out dozens of Titans as I made my way to the armored

According to reports from 5 years ago not even cannon fire could penetrate its armor

"Hmph" I slice the last Titans head clean off its shoulders

I quickly switch my tanks in mid air before switching my blades for sharper ones as well

The armored Titan swings his right arm

I maneuver around its fist and I pull myself back out of its range as his arm slams into the buildings

"What do I do?" I land on a rooftop not far from the thing

"GRUAHHH" it roars as a building falls over beside him

A boulder hits the back of his knee

He stumbles forward before catching himself don another building

His joints...

Yeah.. I can immobilize it

I slowly begin sharpening my blades with each other making sure I'd get a clean cut

"Hey, meat head!" I get his attention

Steam seeps out its mouth before he charges at me

I jump from rooftop to rooftop before I hop over the edge going full throttle on my ODM

"Haha," I laugh excitedly as I came closer and closer to the beast

He leads with his right fist as before. I shoot my anchor to the building to my left

I almost waited a little too long before I pull myself away

I shoot my right anchor at its joint and it sticks

"Heh, your mine" I chuckle, reeling myself in and slicing right through

I pull myself back to see if I did some damage but I made sure not to lose my momentum for a second

I watch as he trips over his feet before slamming into a building

He quickly manages to get up on his feet

"How persistent" I smile as he hopped on one leg

It goes for the same right swing as it did before and I slice the nerve in its forearm

As his arm dropped to his side I quickly do the same to his other arm before going for his leg

The Titan drops on his knee before hogs weight pulls him down on his back

"Hehehe, looks like I win" I lick my lips

"GRUA..." before it could roar I slit his throat

"Hhhhhhh" it hisses

"You're real smart aren't you?" I smile widely

"Gnnn, hnnn" it groans as crouch down by its eye

"Beg, for your life" I raise my blade to its eye "do it..."

"Do it" I huff

"Guhsss" it hisses

"Louder!" I dig my blade deep into its eye "more!"

I was trembling with excitement

But just then, there was an explosion behind me

"Now what?" I huff

The ground began shaking

I slowly turn around just realizing I was running out of gas


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