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As we walked out my legs were a little out of the ordinary and I fixed my dress to come a little lower than he wanted which made me blush at the thought.

As we reached the booth we sat next to each other and I look over to my best friend with a huge smirk on his face.

I lean over to him "not. A . Word." I point to him after I say each word.

He throws his head back and laughs. Which makes me blush in embarrassment.

I look over at the dance floor and see the my sister is not there I look around then I see her slowly walking towards the booth and almost falling over.

'She's so fucking drunk'

I quickly get up and go over to her to make sure she doesn't fall over.

"Heyyyyy sisss." She says her words slurred.

"Emmy you are so drunk." I say to her. I look at her face and see she has very dilated eyes.

'She got fucking drugged'

As soon as I realize, she fainted and luckily I catch her. I rush over to the booth.

"Holy shit what happened." Tayton says as he rushes over to help me lay her down on the couch.

"She got fucking drugged, I don't know what to do." I say as tears start to fill my eyes.

"Did you notice anything, like key details about her face how she spoke?" He asks as he checks her temperature on her forehead.

"Uh yea I- um her pupils were really dilated." I say with tears streaming down my face.

I quickly wipe them off as my best friend hugs me trying to comfort me. I've never had to deal with this I always never took drinks from strangers and so I never got drugged. I told Emmy multiple times to not take drinks from strangers why the hell would she not listen to me.

"Shit." He says as he picks up my sister.

"She needs to go to a hospital. Quick. Stephan go pull the car around. Sophia I need you too calm down please amore you need to stay strong for her so you can tell the doctors everything." After he says that I wipe my tears of and sniffle and nod letting him know I'm okay.

We start walking out and luckily everyone got out of our way when we were walking towards the exit. I'm following Tayton and Jonathan is right behind me.

As we got out of the club Stephan was out waiting for us. Jonathan goes around us and opens the door for me and Tayton with my sister. After tayton and I get in Tayton lays my sister on me and his lap her head on mine.

I pull her hair out of her face and start stroking her long blonde hair. Jonathan hurry's over to the passenger seat to sit next to Stephan.

"Go please!" I yell at Stephan and he steps on the gas.

I start breaking down and as soon as I start crying Tayton grabs my hand. "Amore you have to stay strong, I know it's hard." He says rubbing his thumb on my hand.


We get to the hospital in 10 min. it's not that far from whisper and Stephan sped through like 5 red lights.

As soon as we get there me and tayton run in with Emmy. Jonathan and Stephan follow a bit after going and parking the car.

"What's the problem?" The doctor asks us as she puts Emmy on the stretcher.

Tayton looked at me with eyes that asked 'are you gunna tell her or am I?' I just shook my head no cuz I was balling my eyes out at this point I couldn't hold it in as I saw her on the stretcher passed out.

"She got drugged, we don't know what she was drugged with but her eyes are really dilated and she passed out about 20 minutes ago." Tayton told the doctor.

"Thank you sir, you can wait in the waiting room." She says as she walks out of the lobby with my sister.

When the door closes behind her I drop to my knees and put my face in my hands. Tayton rushes over to me and hugs me.

"Come on Soph let's go sit down." He says in a soft tone.

I get up with him and when I look at him he cups my face and wipes the tears on my face with his thumb.

"I don't know what it is about you but you pull me in even if you don't try I'm drawn to you. Shit we barley know each other but i needed to have you in the bathroom. I'm sorry I know it's a bad time I just really needed to get it off my chest." He tells me making me blush at his words.

"It's okay, let's go sit down." I say, yea he's hot as hell and yes I did love the shit that happened in the bathroom but I feel like being stubborn and I have a bit of trust issues so I'm gunna get to know him more and hopefully I can resist the sexual urge.

We get to the waiting room and sit down together. He's holding my hand usually I would object but it's comforting and it's helping me not break down.

My sister is my forever best friend we have been together forever I don't k ow what I would do if I lost her. She is my all time favorite person and I love going out with her.

'Dammit if I had only stayed out of the bathroom I would have been able to watch her'

I look over at tayton and I can tell he knows I'm being hard on myself because he gives me a look that says 'it's not your fault'

We sit for a bit and we see the doctor finally and her face does not look promising.

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1040 words :)

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