CHAPTER III - The Cloaked Figure

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The Nightglow Festival

The day of the Nightglow festival is here, the pain and humiliation Fili has went through the time he's been here could not match up to the determination he had to return this ancient necklace. Fili was excited but was scared to think that he would not be here. Staying determined, he kept his faith up and went on. Walking through the castle, he accidentally bumped into the Queen. Terrified Fili says, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you." The Queen laughs a little and says, "It's alright, it was just an accident."   Fili stands there with a face of terror thinking he just messed up by what he done. The Queen right there trying to explain that it was an accident, a guard interrupts her by telling her that a situation has come up and that she is needed. Right before she follows the guard, she tells Fili once more to not worry, that she knows it was an accident. Feeling less scared, he thinks to himself, "Why did she not do something? Why wasn't she mad?" Pondering on these questions, he heads up into the maid's room where Krystal is telling Marie and Luna about the time, she had with Fili last night.

Krystal: "...and then he starts rubbing his thumb on my cheek as we just stared at each other."

Marie: "What happened next?!"

Krystal: "Then we just, came back to the castle and went to our rooms."

Luna: "What!? You two didn't do anything else? Did you at least thank him?"

Krystal: *Confused* "What do you mean? Of course, I thanked him. Why wouldn't I?"

Luna: "Didn't he tell you?"

Krystal: "Tell me what?"

*Marie and Luna look at each other*

Marie: "Uhm, he told us that he wants to stay here. He said that this is the first place that really accepted him, apart from what has happened to him"

Luna: "He must have had a really hard life to say that. It's sad to see anyone go through what he does. Even if he is a fox, he doesn't deserve any hate, he's really sweet."

Krystal: *sighs* "Yeah, he's told me a lot of things that has happened to him, it hurts me to hear the things he's been through. Everything he's been through; he still tries to be kind to everyone."

Marie: "The first time we met him; we didn't care much about him. Now here we are feeling sorry for him. He cares about everyone he meets; despite the hate he gets."

Luna: "It seems that he cares a lot about you, Krystal."

Krystal: "I've noticed, no one has ever treated me like Fili has."

They get interrupted by a knock at the door, it was one of the other daughters telling them that the festival was about to start and that the Queen wants them all. As they all head outside, Fili was out there standing, looking out into the sunset as it sets. The Queen greets everyone and thanks them all for coming to celebrate thirty-five years of the Nightglow festival. From there, Fili started to hear something coming from a far off, and then everyone else started to hear something erupt from the sky. A loud sheering noise getting louder and louder than they noticed it was some sort of machine flying through the sky faster than the eye can see. Everyone started to cover their ears from the noise and finally, it went away. Everyone was startled by it, but the Queen quickly calmed them down and continued with the festival. Unknowing what that was, Fili asked if Krystal wanted to go about the festival to see if they can find the merchant he's looking for. She, of course says yes and goes with him. Walking about the festival, Fili looked everywhere for the merchant, but sadly the merchant wasn't there. Fili was devastated, not knowing what to do, Krystal was trying to comfort by saying that not every merchant will come on the first day, that the festival lasts at least four days. Feeling a little better by what she said, he took her word and waited till the next day. He looked around the new merchants that came, but still, yet he wasn't there again. Feeling less confident on finding him, Krystal insisted to look around the shops and see if there is anything that he likes. Having nothing else to do, Fili said, "Yeah, I would like that." As they both walked about the merchant's booths, Krystal was looking in a booth while Fili was in another. Suddenly he noticed a necklace that had a crystal on it. Fili knowing, he can't get it, asked anyways. The merchant not caring who he is, sells it to him to make a profit off the necklace. Surprised he got it; he quickly hid it in his pocket before Krystal noticed. Krystal returned with two little apple cakes, offering Fili one, she asked him if there was anything he saw he wanted. Fili, as he takes the apple cake, said something to avoid saying something about the necklace. They both continued about the festival looking at more booth's but soon, something bad was about to happen.

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