CHAPTER I - The Lonely Fox

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As the morning sun rose over the hills, Fili was still sleeping. As his alarm clock started going off, he got up, put his shirt on, and got the day started. He walked out on his porch, watching as every animal in the village was going about their day, he thought to himself, "Today will be better." As he walked about in the village, waving to everyone he received nothing but strange looks from everyone. For Fili, he never let that bother him and continued his day like any other. Throughout the day, Fili had gotten done with everything he needed and was heading home till he heard some noise coming from the streets. He went to see what the commotion was about and saw that an army of human soldiers was coming through the village. Soldiers, vehicles, tanks, all kinds of them coming through the village, but for what? There was no war happening, was there? Fili went to ask one of the animals what was going on but got shoved to the ground by the animal. He told Fili not to speak to him again and get out of the village. As Fili saw every animal looking at him and laughing, he got up and started to run to his home but accidentally bumped into one of the human soldiers and knocked him to the ground. Fili tried to apologize to the soldier, but he grabbed Fili and punched him right in the face and bruised his eye. The soldier just about shot him but one of the other soldiers stopped and told him to move on and forget about it. Fili, on the ground, could hardly see, got up and scurried to his house. Feeling embarrassed and hurt, he laid in his bed crying, thinking of where he could go to find a place that would be kind to him. That night, Fili was about to head to bed but suddenly, loud bangs from the door started to erupt. "HEY, YOU FOX!! GET OUT AND LEAVE THIS VILLAGE!!" as an animal yelled on the outside. A group of animals was outside waiting for him to come out, Fili escaped from the back but one of the animals saw him and started to chase him. Fili ran for his life to the forest close to the village to try to escape but tripped and fell. As he was about to get up, the animal kicked him right in the stomach. Out of breath from the kick, Fili knocked the animal over with his foot, got up, and ran into the forest.



As Fili continued running through the dark forest, he noticed that the animals that were chasing him had stopped. Throughout the night as he walked, with tears running down his face, he felt like just giving his life up. "No one cares about me. No one ever has and never will care." Said Fili as he continued. Then suddenly, he saw someone else in the woods with him. "Did one of the animals follow me?!" Fili thought as he hid behind a tree. No, it was an old wolf merchant, gathering wood to build a fire. The merchant knew someone was there, so he calmly asked them to come out, to not be afraid. As Fili stayed silent behind the tree, the merchant stood, looking around, to see who was hiding, decided to head back and start a fire. Fili, waiting patiently for him to get a distance, followed him. As the merchant started to build the fire, he heard a crackle from the leaves that Fili had stepped on. The merchant, not startled, asked who was there. Fili, terrified out of his mind, scarcely walked out of the forest where the merchant was. The merchant, shocked to see a fox again, kindly offered Fili to come and sit with him. Slowly as Fili came closer, scared that the merchant would hurt him, he finally took a seat and warmed up close to the fire. The merchant asked Fili kindly, how he ended up here. Fili told him about the incident that occurred but was scared so much, he fumbled over his words telling him the story. Throughout the night, Fili and the merchant talked about how Fili was left behind, all the struggles he's gone through, and how everyone treats him like dirt. The merchant, feeling sorry for Fili, offered him a bowl of soup. Fili kindly took the bowl and started to eat, but while he was eating, he saw something blue and round in it. He asked the merchant what it was, but he told him it's nothing to worry about, that it's part of it. Fili, kind of nervous, still ate and thanked him. He asked what his name was and replied with Steven and told him that was his great grandfather's name. As Fili was listening, he was looking over at his cart seeing all the items he had, the merchant noticed and went to grab something to show him. He brought back a necklace and told him that this used to belong to his dad and that it is priceless to him, that no money is worth anything to him for it, as he hands it to Fili to show him. That night, the merchant gave Fili something to sleep on and went to sleep, till morning came and the merchant was gone. Fili got up and started to look around, but the merchant had disappeared. "Was it a dream?", he thought to himself confused. Till he saw something on the ground, it was the necklace that the merchant showed him. He picked it up and knocked the dust off it and knew that it was no dream, "but where has he gone?", he thought. Right before he started to go looking for him, he put the necklace on, and then suddenly, the necklace turned him into a human. Shocked, he took the necklace off and went back into a fox. Surprised and terrified at the same time, he pondered, "How did it turn me into a human?!" As Fili pondered on what to do, he looked at the necklace and remembered what Steven had said. "I must return this to him for what he did to me.", he thought. So, Fili put the necklace back on, turned back into a human to hide his true self, and followed a trail to see if he could find a village and ask for directions on where to go, but what he was about to find was not going to be so pleasant.

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