CHAPTER II - The Fox and the Wolf

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A Very Strange Day

As the morning sun was coming up, all the maids got up, got dressed, and went to start watching over the fox but to their surprise, he was still sleeping. Feeling sorry, Lina said, "Poor... wait, you know we do not know his name." "Why should we?" said Violet, as some of the others agreed. "Don't you care what happened to him last night?" Lina asked. "You know what? I don't, in fact, I wish he wasn't even here. He's only caused us trouble." Violet replied. As the daughters started to argue Krystal butted in and said, "You heard what the Queen said! We must treat him like a guest. Not an outcast." Every daughter went silent, "She's right, we must obey orders from the Queen." Marie said. Violet rolled her eyes, said nothing but stood there, then they suddenly heard Fili waking up. Stretching, he rose up in the hammock, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, saw every daughter standing there, waiting for him to get up. As every daughter stood there silently, Fili said, "Well good morning to you ladies." Standing up, one of the daughters offers him something to eat. Thinking, he asks, "You all got any fruit?" Confused, they told him, "Yes, but it's only in the village part where they sell all their goods. What kind of fruit would you like?" "I'll go down and get it myself if you don't mind?" Fili replied as the daughters stood there looking at each other. "We can't let you outside of the castle without the Queen here Mr. Fox," Marie said. "Oh, the Queen is not here?" he asked. "She had an important meeting she had to attend." Said Lina. "Ah ok... well do they sell any cranberries?" said Fili. All the daughters stood there confused, like they never heard of a cranberry. Waiting for an answer, Krystal said, "Come on, I'll take you down and let you look for yourself. Since we have no idea whatever you said, is." One of the daughters tried to tell her that she can't take him out that it will cause a scene, but Krystal told her it will be fine. When Fili and Krystal got to the door, he was getting nervous. She looks at him and says, "I won't let anything hurt you."

As she continues to walk outside, he follows right behind her, as they go through looking at all the fruit and vegetables they were selling. Getting strange and shocked looks from everyone, Fili stays close to Krystal. Continuing to look, Krystal finally got Fili some apples, oranges, and grapes. Satisfied with what she got; he was eating the fruit like nothing. Watching Fili as he dominates the fruit she says, "You must really love fruit." He responds, "Well, I prefer fruit over anything else. It's part of a fox's diet." As he offers her a grape. Scared to take it, she says, "No, it's yours, I got it just for you to eat." "Oh no please, take a few, I appreciate you for taking me down here and getting me some." He replies. She decides to take a few and find a place to sit and rest. Nervous, she asks, "So, you never told me your name. What is it?" he looks at her and tells her Fili. Awestruck, she just sits there silently. He asks her what her name was, and she replied with Krystal. "Wow! I've never heard a name like that before." He says. "Yeah, I don't really like it that much though, some of the male wolves make fun of it. They think it's weird." She replies. Fili looks at her, "Well, I don't think it's weird." As he locks eyes with her, "I think it's beautiful." Her eyes wide open, she starts to blush and starts to stutter, "I-I...well, th-thanks." As she slowly looks the other direction embarrassed.

As the sun started to set, they both got up and headed towards the castle till all sudden, a fight broke loose in the village. The two went to see what was happening and saw two wolves gaining on a cat. Fili jumped in and punched one of the wolves right in the face knocking him out, but the other wolf grabbed a hold of Fili and held his arms behind his back unable to do anything, then the cat got up, grabbed the wolf by the ears till he finally released Fili, but the wolf grabbed the cat and slung him to the ground and started to stomp on him but Fili pounced on the wolf, knocking him to the ground, and growled right in his face. The wolf was terrified, he pushed Fili right off him and ran, leaving his friend behind. Fili got up, dusted himself off, and went to help the cat up. Helping him up he said, "Are you alright Mr.?" the cat responded, "Yeah, I'm alright thanks for helping..." then he noticed Fili was a fox and started to back away without saying anything else. "Wait, I'm not going to hurt you." He said but it was too late, the cat ran off. As everyone around started to look at Fili and talk about him, Krystal got Fili's attention and brought him back inside the castle. As they entered the castle, Fili sighed and said, "Well, there goes that. I tried to help yet; they are still scared of me." Feeling sorry for him, Krystal notices the dust that was covering Fili and said, "Here, you need to go bathe yourself before anything else." Startled by the response, he takes her up on that offer, but what Fili didn't know is that Krystal can not let him out of her sight, so while Fili was sitting in the giant bathtub, all he could see was Krystal just watching him. Being very awkward, he asks that can she at least leave to give him privacy, but she cannot, it will be going against the Queen's orders. Sitting in the water with his chest and up all dry, he asks her can she at least go get a towel for him so he can at least be ready to get out. Pondering on the question, she tells him to wash up while she is gone to get him a towel and leaves him to do that. Sitting there, making sure she leaves, he finishes diving the rest of his body into the water swimming around, enjoying himself. Bringing his head above water, he looks around for the soup and notices that it's setting on a table. While trying to not make a mess, he gets out to get it. Right when Krystal walks out of the bathing room, she saw one of the other daughters carrying a pile of towels to a different room, so Krystal takes one and heads back into the bathing room. As Krystal was walking back in, noticing Fili out of the tub naked, she dropped the towel, covering her eyes, running out of the room yelling, "I'M SO SORRY, I'M SO SORRY!!" Repeatedly as Fili jumped back in the tub. Feeling embarrassed, Fili sits in the tub trying to finish washing himself off, while Krystal, feeling the worst, stayed outside of the room sitting on the ground, leaning her back against the door. Both of them not saying a word to each other, Krystal finally spoke up and said, "I'm...really sorry Fili. If I would have known I would have..." Fili cuts her off by saying, "It's ok, really. It's my fault. I should not have gotten out." Krystal staying silent, Fili opens the door looking down at her, wondering why she's on the floor. She gets up, not even to look at him, takes him to his room, and leaves him be.

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