"Yeah, usually, I don't, but tonight we're celebrating," he confesses, and Judy furrows her brows. Ja'liyah shifts her gaze between each who speaks, silently spectating.

"He's taking me to his folks' house for their blessing; he and I wanna get married." Judith blinks back and looks around.

"Wow," she repeats under her breath, her heart pounding. David glances at Mary then downward as they wait for her to gather herself. With an awkward chuckle and tears ready to fall, she says, "You two haven't even been dating for a month, and already you're trying to jump the broom."

"Actually," Mary begins, then yelps when David pinches her inner arm. They look at him, and he clears his throat.

"It was nice seeing you, Judy, but we have someplace to be. I'm sure we'll see you around campus. Excuse us." He steps closer to her, and when she doesn't move for him, he silently stares into her eyes.

"You know I was expelled. I'm sure your white bitch," she says without hesitation and without turning her face. Ja'liyah blinks back, and with a proud smile, she nods her head. Mary scoffs in disbelief. She continues in the same monotonous voice, "didn't mind telling you I hit her."

"Racism is a - different color on you, and it's not very flattering," he states, and Judith crosses her arms, lifting her brow nonchalantly. "And yes, she told me about what you did after Dean O'Connell forced everyone off the campus, but he issued a statement last night saying that he'll let you and your other riot friends back."

"Yeah right." She rolls her eyes. "If he wanted me back, he would've called."

"I don't think her people can afford late-night television, Davie." Ja'liyah jerks forward to confront Mary, but Judith lifts her hand and stops her.

"Cut it out, Mary," he orders her. Judith hears her cousin wheezing, and she glances at her out of her peripheral. "Look, I'm only telling you what I know, and what I know is that he was on candid camera painting you out to be some hooligan who should be lucky to be given a shot back there. Check the news channel when you get home; it's probably playing again tonight."

"Okay, I will," Judith says in a softer tone, dropping her arms at her sides. She looks at Mary, then turns to her right and walks toward the escalators.

David looks around with confusion at the interaction, and he and Mary stare at Ja'liyah. She's wobbling in place, and her reddening skin is clammy.

Judith power walks with a scowl across her face.

Lying piece of - and to flaunt their relationship in my face is like a whole new -

Ja'liyah's eyes shut, and her legs give out under her. As she collapses, they quickly turn their heads to each other, then at Judith.

"Judy," they shout in unison, and she stops walking. She stands with her back to them and takes a sharp breath to calm herself.

She whips around with her mouth open and hateful words sitting on her tongue, but like an ice cube, they slip into her throat and stick. Her eyes flair when she sees her cousin lying on the floor in front of them, and she sprints closer, unaware of the curious stares from onlookers.

"'Liyah," Judith yells, then drops to her knees at her side. She takes her right hand off her stomach, and they watch her feel around her inner wrist for a pulse.

Oh, my God, please be okay.

She sighs a breath of relief when her fingers cross a gentle vibration.

"David, let's get out of here," Mary says to him, and they look at her. Ja'liyah slowly opens her eyes.

"Do you need a ride to the hospital?" His voice is softer than she remembers it ever to be.

Mary shoots him a dark look which he ignores, and Judith takes a breath to answer, but Ja'liyah sits up.

"If it isn't Lazarus herself." Judith and David share annoyed glares at Mary's comment before looking at her in her groggy state. "Okay, she's awake and fine, and I'm getting tired. Take me home."

"Could you drop us off at the hospital," Judith asks when he scowls at Mary.

"No, no hospital," Ja'liyah slurs, then slumps onto Judy's chest. She stares at her baggy pants, taking shallow breaths with sweat cascading off her temples.

"Yeah, uh, just help her to the car," David says before stepping past them with his lady in tow.

"Judith, don't take me to the hospital, okay?" She opens her mouth to object while shaking her head, but Ja'liyah interrupts her and says, "I'm fine. I missed breakfast this morning, and I overheated. I just need a little bowl of rice krinkles and rest."

She's lying.

Judith gazes down the side of her oversized shirt, then through the neckband. She notices her defined collarbone and tugs her shirt collar down to look above her chest.

Her green veins stain her beating chest in the shape of fireworks, and her sweat-laden skin barely covers her protruding ribcage.

With disturbance drawn over her face, she looks her in the eyes. Ja'liyah stares blankly at her, and with each shallow breath, her face grows a deeper shade of red.

"Don't - act so - confused," she says through labored breaths. "You're just as sick - as me. Maybe - more."

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