★Stronger then you expect★

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I would fix up my white hair a bit that looked a bit off. Some of my highlights had a bit of shine to it. Loona helped, she chuckled softly and swayed her fluffy tail side to side. I shifted vision back at striker, seeing him infront of moxxie. Moxxie looked like he was trying to be confident. God what did I miss, I feel like I was only looking away for a few minutes.

Striker shoved a knife and rope in moxxie hand speaking with a slight low tone, "Ye gotta use these. A gun won't Peirce the shell." Moxxie looked toward the pen with the sleeping beast, he walked over and jumped the fence. He was rather nervous. I widened my eyes and walked a bit closer, I did twiddle my fingers cause I knew how downhill this was gonna go.

Moxxie ran and pounced on the hog, causing it to wake up and run around bucking up. Moxxie would stab the shell, he didn't Peirce it. God just watching this was horrible. It made me cringe, I would see him struggle a bit to hold on which clicked in me to help. I would bolt toward the fence, past striker who widened his eyes watching me. I jumped the fence and ran toward the hog. I pounced, narrowing my eyes as I gritted my teeth, I would push moxxie off but making sure carefully.

I had ahold of the knife and shoved it underneath the shell, I let a low growl rumble from my chest. My tail quickly curled up to stay out of the way, I stabbed into the hog killing it. Then slowly I stood up and moved some bangs out of my eyes. I looked back at moxxie walking to him and kneeling. I had a worried expression form as I spoke quickly, "Are you alright mox??" He nodded and rubbed the back of his head sighing. Blitzo was laughing in the back as Loona filmed it all with a proud smile.

I nodded and helped moxxie up and walked toward the fence seeing striker. He had a big teethy grin narrowing his eyes. He raised a brow and put his hands on his hips. His accent flowed smoothly, "Why damn Lil doll, ye're pretty impressive for a petite lady like ye" I rolled my eyes and jumped the fence infront of him, tilting my head up with a mischievous grin on my face. I placed the knife in his hand. For once I spoke with confidence, "Oh why thank you sir, I don't think I'm really petite in any matter though" I put a hand on my hip. Tilting my head which caused hair to dangle to the side.

★Lil Doll★ Striker x FEM! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now