★Heading Out★

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It was day, the pentagram was shining as usual. However I was asleep, snoring ever so slightly. Untill I heard my phone buzz on my dark wooden nightstand beside my bed, I would groan and open my eyes, slowly waking up from the peaceful sleep. I would sit up and rub the back of my head, feeling how tangled my white, pure hair was. I would grumble to myself.

I turned to my phone and grabbed it, my blankets sliding down to my lap a bit. I saw a text from Loona, I have gotten quite close friends with her recently. It was her telling me to get my 'ass up it's the festival today'. I widened my eyes and spoke loudly out of realization, "Oh shit today is the festival?! Fuck fuck!" I quickly jumped out of bed and put my phone down, I immediately ran to my dresser on the other side of my room, I would quickly rub my eyes as my vision is a bit blurry.

I pulled out a white crop top and a plaid flannel, with a tye on the front of it, I quickly threw them on my bed. Still panicking like a little kid missing the bus. I then pulled out some black ripped shorts, shrugging and mumbled to myself with a low sigh, "Good enough I suppose." I then walked to the bed and got undressed. Peice by peice.

I put on the clothes and walked over to my tall wall mirror, I posed a bit looking at myself. Thinking 'damn I look good' Seeing my curves being NatUrAl. I walked to my nightstand and grabbed the brush then slowly started brushing my rats nest of a mane. Finally after like 15 minute's of frustration, I got it done. Having a deep sigh of relief flow over me. My long tail swayed side to side with a slight twitch.

I then grabbed my phone and put it in my side pocket. I walked out of my room, closing the door behind me. I walked downstairs of my home, that I live happily alone at. I would walk out the front door, smiling softly to myself as I pulled out my phone to text Loona back. Saying, 'Yeah ik. I'm waiting for you guys'. Speak of the devil, I get started by looking up seeing a van drive and park dangerously close.

It made me jump back, my eyes were widened out of shock and fear, the window of the passengers side of the van rolled down. I come face to face with a smirking blitz. Who ofc says just to piss me off, "Get your thick ass in here Petite." He ended it with a laugh and narrowed brows. I rolled my eyes and walked to the passengers seat, jumping in and sitting down. I flip him off and grumble, "Oh shut up dumbass." I look behind as well seeing the others behind, Loona was looking at me with a smile and her phone in her hand. Millie and Mox just cuddling.

I look back toward the front and sighed smiling, I leaned back as blitz pulled the stick back into Drive and pressed on the gas, driving out of imp city within 20 minutes. It was gonna be a long ride for sure to get to the wrath ring.

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