Rescue - Chapter Twenty•One

Start from the beginning

We had no way of knowing exactly where in the building Davina was, so we examined every hallway and corridor for where she could be.

Every man here was instructed to do the same. Take out the enemy's, search for Davina and or Giovanni, get to me through the ear piece if either of them were found. Other than that or an emergency, there was to be no communication through the ear pieces.

We cleared every room with guns drawn, not risking being caught off guard by another person.

We had cleared two long hallways alone, leaving a trail of bodies behind, before we turned into another one. A few of the doors were opened which made it easy for us to clear the rooms.

Kian was checking one of the rooms with a closed door when I came to one as well. The gun fire around us was starting to die down which allowed me to hear shuffling on the other side of the door.

"Kian." I called out for him and when he poked his head out of the room he was in I motioned to the door in front of me.

He approached the door and nodded to me. He pushed the door open while I drew my gun up.

It was dark in the room but the light pouring in from the hallway allowed me to see in.

Sitting in the middle of the room was Davina. She was tied to a chair with cuts and bruises covering her body. Her hair was knotted and tangled, she had heavy bags under her eyes, and her skin was extremely pale.

Some of the cuts were still bleeding while others looked like they had already closed. There were spots of dried blood on the floor along with the puddles of the fresh.

He's been torturing her for days.

Giovanni stood right behind the chair with his gun pressed to the left side of Davina's head. His finger was already on the trigger just waiting to pull it.

My own gun stayed aimed perfectly right between his eyes.

"Drop your fucking gun or it won't end good for your girl." Giovanni was trying to hang Davina over my head.

"You know damn well that's not gonna happen. You're all alone. Everyone is dying or already dead, so how about you drop it." I knew the gunfire wasn't slowing because my men were getting killed. I would have heard a lot more commotion through the ear piece if that were the case.

I had a perfectly clear shot, but if I were to take a shot on Giovanni right now, I ran the risk of him pulling the trigger and killing Davina. I would never miss the shot but if he tenses when he dies, Davina may die too. There's no way in hell I would be able to get him to drop his gun and surrender to me so that was out of the question too.

I need a way to get his gun off of her.

I had an idea but Davina may hate me for it. She would just have to trust me and I have to hope she'll understand what I'm doing.

I dropped my gun so it was no longer on Giovanni. Now it was down at the floor.

"Do you really think I did all this for a damn female?" I asked with a chuckle. "If you had any type of a brain, you would know that I don't grow attached to any woman."

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