chapter five

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Miyagi's way

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Miyagi's way

   LEONARCI SIGHED SLIGHTLY AS SHE SWIPED HER PAINT BRUSH on the fence in front of her. Sensei Larusso was kind enough to give her some leniency and try to teach her some moves, but it turns out muscle memory was really an important component in her training. She had to go back to painting the fence, along with Demetri who was just starting out at the dojo.

... because she absolutely sucked.

"You know this fence is around 1,200 square feet, right?" Demetri commented with a sigh. "Unless we split the job, we'll never get this done."

"2,400 square feet if you count the other side, but that's not the point. We are supposed to be getting the pattern down and you are doing it wrong." Leo lightly rolled her eyes, swiping her paint brush sideways. "Which is honestly expected of you by now."

"Says the one who hasn't gotten out of this phase of training yet." The Alexopoulous boy glared at the girl beside him. "If you think you are doing so much better, you show me how."

"Fine." Leonarci threw her paintbrush to the ground and moved closer, putting her hands over the pale boys. She motioned the brush exactly how she had been taught, Dem looking back at her as she did. "There, now you know."

"Now I know." Demetri nodded slightly, letting out a slight laugh as Leo backed away and cleared her throat.

"I bet you're still gonna mess it up." The Brooks girl mumbled, going back to doing her job.

"You think I mess everything up." The Alexopoulous boy replied with a sigh, moving his hands exactly how she had showed him.

"Not everything." Leonarci looked over at the pale boy, sending him a light smile before looking away again.

So, maybe sharing a dojo with him wouldn't be all that bad.

  AFTER DAYS OF WHAT BOTH DEMETRI AND LEO would consider intense training, Leo planned a Miyagi-do trip to the mall. Obviously, it was her favorite place, and she figured they all deserved somewhat of a break from karate. She had already painted the fence, sanded the deck, and all the other things that Daniel had taught her.

Not that she fully listened to the things he said.

"I am so ready to get each of you the best outfit you've ever worn in your life." Leo spoke as they walked inside, the girl letting in the scent of fresh pretzels and cheese.

"Something tells me I should be concerned." Robby replied with a laugh, the group stopping as they looked around the mall.

THINKIN' BOUT YOU, demetri alexopoulousWhere stories live. Discover now