chapter four

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Problem Solving

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Problem Solving

   IT WAS SAFE TO SAY THAT THE STUDENTS OF Miyagi-do were absolutely pissed that Cobra Kai had ruined their chance to get more students. Everyday, the two dojo's were hating each other more, and the tension was building. Leo was just waiting for it to snap.

"Mind calming down over there, thunder punch. I have on acrylics and I know you won't be able to buy me new ones if they break." The Brooks girl commented, holding the punching bag still for Robby who was going at it as hard as he could.

"Sorry, i'm just thinking about the other night." The Keene boy delivered another punch to the bag. "Maybe we should take a video of us sparring and post it on instagram?"

"They already seen us at Valley Fest, nobody cared." Sam replied with a defeated sigh, the trio all looking to the ground in thought.

Leo didn't like to see her best friend upset, and now that she had been getting close to Robby, she didn't like him getting upset either.

"You know what the problem is? Miyagi-do is all about defense." Robby noted, letting his bruised fists rest as he let them fall to his sides.

"That's what i've been saying. You know, during the performance, people kept asking if you guys were going to fight." Leonarci spoke with her hands, like always before placing them onto her hips.

"Defense wins championships." Sam answered back simply, shrugging her shoulders.

"That's fine, but people show up for the offense. That's why Cobra Kai is more popular. All right? We need to show them we can fight too." Robby explained, like it was the simplest thing in the world.

"Yeah, but, Mr. Larusso is going to hate that idea." Leo sighed, running her hand through her hair. "He'll never go for it."

"So, what exactly are we supposed to do?" Sam questioned, looking between her two friends. "Go to the mall and pick a fight? Record us defending ourselves?"

"It's not the worst idea." Robby shrugged, his body turning to face the bag again.

"If that's what you guys decide, leave me out of it? I literally cannot fight yet and I don't feel like getting my ass kicked. My face is too pretty." Leo held tight onto the punching bag once again, letting out a sigh as she thought of a bruise on her face.


"It's a terrible idea, so don't worry, Leo. We aren't doing it." Sam assured, holding onto her knees.

Welp, looks like they were going to be the only three in the dojo for awhile.

INSTEAD OF LISTENING TO THE ADVICE OF his students, Daniel decided to bring the kids to the country club. Not that Leo minded much, virgin piña coladas and sitting by the pool sounded a lot more fun than breaking her nails. Plus, it was a Saturday in the middle of summer, where else would she want to be?

THINKIN' BOUT YOU, demetri alexopoulousKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat