chapter one

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Shopping mall

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Shopping mall

  LEO KNEW FULL AND WELL THAT SHE WAS A stereotypical rich girl. Her parents were divorced, she liked to shop to mask her emotions, and she was irregularly bitchy in practically every circumstance she was put in. She accepted and loved who she was early on, because if she didn't, she knew that nobody else would.

At least not anymore.

"What about Robby? I mean, he's cute in like a jocky, goofy, idiot type of way." The Brooks girl commented as her and her best friend walked around the mall, Leo carrying bags and bags of clothes she might never wear.

"You don't think it's a little too soon to move on?" Sam questioned, biting the inside of her cheek in thought.

"I think dating in general is stupid but, you've already went down the rabbit hole so you might as well commit." Leonarci shrugged her shoulders lightly. "Then again, i've never been in a real relationship before so i'm probably not going to be the best at giving you relationship advice."

"Don't you always say you are right about everything?" The Larusso girl joked, wearing a light smile on her face.

"Hm, you have a point. I am always right." Leo nodded her head in agreement, wearing a proud smile. "You know me so well."

"I also know that I really need to use the bathroom, hold my bags?" Sam held them up with a smile, making her friend roll her eyes before giving in and taking it into her hands. "Thank you, it'll only be a minute."

The Larusso girl disappeared into the back hallway that led to the bathroom as Leonarci stood there, awkwardly looking around. Finally, she decided to scroll through her phone, wanting to look less like a loser and more like someone that had a life. She always did a lot of pretending anyways, so something as small as this wouldn't be hard for her.

What would be hard was facing the person she seen when she looked up from her phone.

"Pass me pass me pass me." The girl mumbled to herself, pretending she was scrolling through her phone as the boy got closer.

"Hm, some heavy shopping instead of working at home to try and write a better college english essay than me? This is new." Demetri noted as he stopped by the girl, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Not really, I don't have to try to do anything better than you, it just happens naturally." Leo looked up from her phone, stuffing it in her pocket so she could make direct contact. "I know the concept of being academically superior is difficult for you to understand, so i'll give you a minute to process."

"Your childish insults never fail to amuse me, Leo." The Alexopoulous boy noted, nodding his head with a smile.

"Well, failing is something you are used to, Dem." Leonarci returned the smug smile, and the both of them stood there a few moments just looking at each other before she spoke up again. "Was there something you wanted, or are you just stalking me?"

"Sadly, I do have something to tell you but, I can promise it's not something I wanted." Demetri shook his head with a sigh. "Mr. Carlson is forcing us to do our history project together, and early so we can, and I quote show the other students how to get work done."

"You're joking, right?" Leo questioned with a raised brow. "It's summer."

"... and it is this reason my friend that i've always called you a slacker." The Alexopoulous boy shrugged his shoulders. "We are in the honor program, and since we are both taking college courses during the summer, yes, I am entirely serious."

College courses wasn't exactly Leonarci's idea of fun, but it was her moms and whatever the Brook's woman said had to go her way.

"I've been skipping those classes all week, can't that old man take a hint?" Leo rolled her eyes, hoping that Sam would save her from this conversation.

She desperately wanted to get out of there, because every time she seen Demetri, she felt guilty for being such a bitch to him.

"I guess not." The pale boy shrugged his shoulders, rocking back and forth from heel to toe. "So? I'll text you?"

"If you must." The Brooks girl responded, trying to look as nonchalant as possible while shrugging her shoulders.

"Or I could do the whole project and put your name on it." Demetri suggested.

That was never going to happen.

"Your work is mediocre at best, I wouldn't let you put my name on it if I was on my death bed." Leo cleared her throat. "We'll talk about what we can do."

"Whatever you say your highness." Demetri bowed, saluted, and then walked off leaving the girl alone again.

"Jerk." Leonarci mumbled beneath her breath.

Man, he really knew how to get to her.

  LEO HADN'T SPOKEN TO SAM SINCE SHE GOT back from the bathroom, and the Larusso girl could automatically tell something was up. As she turned on the car, she sighed, turning her head towards her best friend. The Brooks girl pretended to not see her eyes as she looked in the mirror, applying her favorite lip gloss.

"Was talking to Demetri really that bad?" She questioned finally, breaking the silence.

"Oh, so you seen us talking." Leonarci shoved the application wand back into it's container before dramatically turning to the other girl.

"Yeah, I was done with the bathroom way before you finished talking but I was watching the conversation happen from behind the gumball machine in front of the candy shop." Sam lightly shrugged her shoulders, still not understanding her friends anger.

"... and why didn't you interrupt the conversation?" Leo raised a brow, letting out a slight scoff.

"Because I thought you wanted to talk to him. You guys have this weird thing where you like to hate each other." The Larusso girl tried her best not to laugh, knowing it would only further the Brooks girls anger.

"I so did not want to talk to him." Leonarci shook her head. "Actually, he is like the last person I ever want to talk to."

"Okay." Sam awkwardly nodded as she put her car in reverse, looking into her rear view mirror. "He is obviously a sore subject."

"Sore isn't the word." Leo looked out towards the mall, shaking her head. "Do you know that he had the audacity to say that I am a slacker? Out of all the people in the world I'm the slacker, I mean, c'mon."

The Larusso girl simply smiled in response, knowing the exact reason Leonarci was getting so worked up over nothing.

I'm not the biggest Sam stan but I really do love the friendship that I have created between her and Leo.

Opinions on Demarci rn? Do they have chemistry?

Hope you enjoyed!

Hope you enjoyed!

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