chapter three

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Work, work, work

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Work, work, work

  LEONARCI'S BACK HURT AS SHE BENT DOWN IN front of the fence of Miyagi-do. Apparently she wasn't exactly getting the hang of things in the dojo, and had to repeat the same thing over and over. She figured it was her impatience working against her, and knew it would take a lot for her to get the hang of all this quote unquote zen crap.

It didn't help that Sam and Robby, her only other fellow students were flirting like crazy. So not only was she the worst Miyagi-doer, she was a third wheel. Plus, Sensei Larusso didn't seem to notice what was going on right in his face.

"You're not doing it right." He commented as she brushed sideways, the girl letting out a sigh as he put his hand out. "May I?"

"You aren't hurting me in any way." Leo lightly rolled her eyes as she handed him the paint brush, the Larusso man laughing at her attitude. "You'd just be doing your own work."

"You know, when Mr. Miyagi was teaching me, I use to act the same way." Daniel calmly swiped the paintbrush downward, showing the girl how to do things correctly. "I could have learned a lot quicker if I would have just dropped my attitude."

"Me? Drop my attitude?" Leonarci scoffed while observing the way he painted, making a mental note to ace it just to prove a point to the older man later. "Mr. Larusso, you've known me a long time. So you also know that will probably never happen."

"Yeah, yeah. You say that now." The sensei held his brush towards his side as he looked over briefly to the entrance of the dojo, noticing two boys make their way inside. "Good afternoon."

"Hey, uh, we're looking for Miyagi-do." One of them spoke, both kids looking around to inspect the area.

"You're in the right place." Daniel, and all his students stepped toward the pair of new guys, all of them lined up in a row.

"The commercial said lessons are free?" The second guy questioned.

"Looks like you are going to have a sparring partner." Sam commented quietly, wiggling her eyes brows toward her best friend.

"They sure are, you guys ready to get started?" The Larusso man excitedly clapped his hands together, looking between the boys in front of him.

They both answered yes in response, and all Leo could think about was how funny their reaction would be when they find out they need to do work before actually learning anything.

"Good, Leo has a can of paint over there. I have some out front too. This fence needs a fresh coat anyways and she's only done two boards. Robby will show you what to do." Daniel explained with a smile.

THINKIN' BOUT YOU, demetri alexopoulousحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن