22. Swinging hearts and playgrounds

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"So how did it go?" Max asks nonchalantly as we sit in my room studying.
"You know... Your date with Luca."
"Lucas." I correct on instinct. "And yeah... It was good I had fun." I turn back to my Spanish homework before in once more interrupted.
"Soo you guys are, what, dating now?" He's looking cautiously at me and I drop my pencil in exasperation.
"What are you hoping to achieve by interrogating me?" I ask raising an eyebrow. He raises his arms in defence.
"I was just wondering!" He says "and you didn't answer my question." I sigh but can't manage to fight the smile from my face.
"No. We're not dating. Happy now?"
A small smile appears on his face.
"Yes." We fall into silence for a few moments before he speaks up again.
"You know... It's only 1:34...we could do something?"I look up at him.
"Such as?" His eyes sparkle in amusement.
"We haven't played the game in a while."
We head to the nearest park, which is pretty full at around midday on a Saturday. Max takes my hand in his and smiles down at me. I smile back and we walk to the playground.
"Come on," Max beckons rushing towards and empty swing." I'll push you!" I laugh and nod running behind him and sitting down in the swing. He softly starts pushing the swing making it rock slowly back and forth into the air. I swing my legs in indication that I want to go higher.
"Put your back into it," I say playfully." I want to fly." I turn my head slightly to see him grinning at me before he reaches forward and pulls the swing back. He lets go and the swing soars into the air. Max lets out a whoop of laughter and I scream. My screams dissolve into laughter and I swing back and forth. Suddenly someone swoops up beside me and I look to my left and see Max flying into the air alongside me. As the swings slow down the blurry faces around us turn into people. A couple parents are looking at us with disapproving looks and I try and smile apologetically at them but in my moment of distraction I manage to do a mini catapult from the swing. A small yelp escapes my mouth before I'm caught by Max. I gasp at the sudden embrace and then awkwardly step out of it. I clear my throat and look down at my feet.
"People are staring." He takes my hand and leans in to whisper in my ear.
"Let them stare." I feel a blush spread across my cheeks and he leans back. "Anyway, we're in love, remember?"
I try to match his cheeky grin but I'm sure mine looks pained more than anything else.

We wonder around a while longer in the park, keeping the loved up act. It must be easier for me. Or perhaps it's not. He can assure himself that it's all fake, just two friends pretending that they love each other. I have to pretend that's true. An elderly couple approach us and Max moves closer to my side.
"Sorry, dear," the woman begins. "But I just wanted to tell you that you make a wonderful couple." She beams at us and a blush spreads across my cheeks but max just grind back at her and squeezes my hand.
"Thanks, you too." The man beside her speaks up.
"Come on, Dorothy, let's not bother them." She gives him a playful thwack on the shoulder.
"Oh hush! We're not bothering them." She turns towards me." We're not bothering you, are we?" I shake my head and Max chuckles. The lady claps her hands together.
"So how did you two meet?" I hesitate, unsure of how to answer but max doesn't skip a beat.
"Well we were friends first." I look to him but don't disagree. "Of course I was hopelessly in love with her," they both smile. "And when I finally got up the nerve to tell her... Well I guess the rest is history." He pulls me towards him and I rest my head on his shoulder trying to swallow the lump in my throat. When I finally regain control of my voiceover ask:
"How did you two meet." They look adoringly at one another and i can't control the smile that takes over my face.
"It was love at first sight." Says the man. Dorothy breaks eye contact to look at us.
"Well, for him it was." She says with a smile in her voice. "Took me slightly longer to be charmed." The man grumbles and she turns back to him.
"But of course once I was there was no turning back." They both smile at each other. " we've been together for fifty years." My eyes widen in surprise.
"Wow! Congratulations." The man chuckles slightly.
"It seems like a long time doesn't it?"
"When you have that person, though, every day is like the first" she chuckles slightly before turning back to me. "Besides, it's looks like you two are doing fine, perhaps one day it will be you two having this conversation with a pair of lovebirds such as yourself?" The lump returns and I can't do anything but nod. The man checks his watch and grabs Dorothy's hand.
"We've got to run if we're going to get there in time!" We say our goodbyes and part ways and Max turns to me.
"What a couple." I nod. I feel sick. I can't do this.
"I have to go."
I hear Max saying something but it's like I'm underwater when I briskly leave the park and head home.

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