28. Cold tea and black dresses

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We sat like that till the tea went cold and our shocked tears had dried against our cheeks. No one spoke a word. No words needed to be said. Levi's phone went off beside him and just like that the silence shattered. Levi's hand shot out to the device before hesitating and drawing his hand back against his chest as if he'd been burnt. He looked at me with pleading eyes. I slowly nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat and reaching for the phone.

"Hello?" My voice cracks and I barely register the crackly voice on the other end asking for Levi. I glance up at him before handing him the phone. He accepts it reluctantly and we all sit, waiting.

Levi States straight ahead. His face unmoving, it's when the tears start to stream down his face that I know. I really wish I didn't know. He presses the end call button and slowly sets the phone down on the table.

He sways softly in his chair, unsure of himself, unsure of everything. He stands and Max and I stand with him before he turns toward us and collapses against us. My vision blurs with tears and an invisible weight drops down on my stomach.

We slowly sink to the ground. Levi is crying with loud heart wrenching sobs, Max's cheeks are wet and his face just loos empty. I don't know how long we stay like that. Just us three crying on the kitchen floor.


I stare into the mirror fiddling with the hem of my black, lace dress. My eyes are already red and I pull the soft woollen cardigan tighter around my body. A soft tap sounds at my bedroom door and my mother walks in. Her eyes are blotchy and red, her makeup slightly smudged around her eye. She's clutching a tissue in her left hand, her knuckles white as she comes to stand behind me. She gives me a slow sad smile on the mirror and puts her hand on my shoulder.

"You okay, poppet?" I smile up at her in answer and she nods, her face scrunching up as fresh tears form in her eyes. They were close. She exhales deeply. "Laura was... I can't believe that.." She seems to struggle to find the words and I reach up to squeeze her hand. She finally seems to settle on what she wants to say. "Poor Levi." I sigh and the back of my eyes prickle.

"Poor Levi." I echoed hollowly.

"You ready?"

Levi didn't have much family left. Just some elusive uncle he never saw and his mom. There was no one to plan the funeral so my mom took up the job. I think she was trying to keep herself busy. Before she got a huge promotion my mom used to be home a lot more. She spent a lot of time with Ms. Palmers and I think she was one of the closest friends she had. Levi had been staying at our house for the past few days before the funeral. He couldn't stay in that big, empty house. Full of pictures. Full of reminders. He'd been staying on our couch and he's so quiet. He puts up with my strained attempts to cheer him up but at night I can hear him crying from my bedroom. My heart is broken for him. He seems so lost.

I hesitate before knocking on the living room door.
"Levi? It's time to go." I say through the closed door and raise my hand to knock when the door swings open to reveal a tired looking Levi. He has dark circles under his eyes and he already looks exhausted.
" you ready?" I say, softer this time, I'm worried if I'm too forceful he might break. He looks about ready to. He gives a slight nod and i take his hand, giving it a squeeze. My mother calls us and, together, we head out.
Milling outside the small churches a sea of faces. Some that I recognise, some that I don't. She knew everyone, smiled at everyone, greeted everyone. The small things that go a long way. Everyone loved her.I glance at Levi and see he's gone pale. I give his hand a soft squeeze and guide him into the church. It's empty because the service hasn't begun yet. My eyes sweep across the scene a photograph of Laura is at the end of the aisle, in front of the rows of empty chairs. It's a beautiful picture. She's laughing with a smiling baby Levi on her lap. They both look so happy. Tulips decorate the church. Tulips, her favourite.
I glance at Levi who is frozen in place beside me, staring at the photograph, eyes empty.
" I - I just need a moment." He says before spinning on his heel and walking into a small room at the back. I wait a few minutes before following him.
" Levi?" I speak softly into the dark room. "Do you need anything?" He mumbles a short reply before turning to face me. I hold out a small plastic cup filled with water from the cooler, which he accepts gratefully. When he's finished I take the glass from his hands and set it down in a nearby table, before wrapping my arms around him, enveloping him in a tight hug. He returns the gesture before leaning back.

He places a hand either side of my face and leans in, pressing his lips to mine. I stand in shock, my lips slack before I remember myself and gently pull away. He quickly take several steps back and begins to apologise profusely.
" I'm sorry." He repeats like a cracked record and I hug him.
"It's okay. You have nothing to apologise for."
"No." He replies. " I do. That wasn't fair to you. You like Max and honestly I don't even know if I like you that way." A part of him seems to break and he slackens just a little, as if in defeat. " I don't know what I'm feeling right now." Tears start to drip down his face and i wrap my arms around him once again.
"It's okay." I repeat. "It's okay." After a few moments he leans back and kisses my forehead, this time in a friendly gesture. I smile softly at him.
Through the closed door I hear hushed talking and I realise that the service is about to begin. I take Levi's hand, giving it a squeeze.
"Let's go."

Hello everyone sorry I took so long to update but thank you ever so much for 10k reads! I'm sorry If this chapter does not do Levi's grief justice. It was quite hard to write from a secondary POV this chapter is dedicated to mehmory follow her and Check out her stories

Let's play loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora