2. Lammas and carrots and goats oh my

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I got approximately half an hour of sleep from the time I got back to the time I had to get up again. Curse Max and his girl problems! But I'd do it again tomorrow if he asked. I'd do it anytime he asked. Because that's what a best friend is supposed to do.

I drag myself through the shower, get dressed and have a slice of toast before I hear the deafening honk of Max's car from outside.
"Alright I'm coming!"
I shout a quick goodbye to my parents upstairs but it's unlikely they heard me. They have another business trip today and packing always makes mom crazy. I grab my pack pack from beside the door and head outside.

I hop into the backseat because shotgun has already been called by Levi. Jerk.

Levi is possibly the only person, parents and relatives aside, who I've known, really known, longer than Max. Levi was the only other kid my age on our street until the age of five so naturally my parents and his mom kinda pushed us together. And being the cool kids we were, we went with it. He's one of my closest friends. When Max move into the house across from mine, my social circle widened from me and Levi to me, Levi and Max. Levi was homeschooled at first so me and Max grew closer. But it's always been the three of us.

"Hey, Lo, have you studied for the calculus test today?" Levi's voice snaps me back to reality

"Huh" comes my most intelligent reply

"Calculus test. Today. Have you studied?"

"Of course"

He lets out a sigh of relief
"Awesome! Can I read your notes?" He asks, batting his eyelashes for added effect.

I rolled my eyes and handset them to levi while Max just chuckles at how easily I am swayed.

When we get to school we make plans to meet for lunch and Head off to class.


"What do you mean you prefer goats?" Levi is staring at me with a look of pure disgust.
I sigh in exasperation.

"I do not hold anything against llamas." I try and explain "they are majestic creatures however I do believe goats are superior"

My explanation does nothing to change Levi's horrified expression
"How can you even say that!?" He wails in anguish "goats are basically just less fluffy, less adorable, shorter llamas"

I slam my palm down on the table inducing a startled jump from Max, who thus far was absentmindedly eating his lunch. I allow myself a smirk before continuing.

"HOW DARE YOU, SIR" I shout, receiving a few odd looks from the other students eating outside. I lower my voice " you are lucky that any goat has deigned to breathe the same air as someone like you, meaning any goat you have actually been near enough to in order to form an opinion, is of a very low standard!"

Levi swells with anger and opens his mouth to shout a counter attack when Max blurts-
" I love carrots"

We both turn to him with looks of pure confusion but Max just shrugs.
"Just trying to diffuse the tension"

We are all silent for a few moments and then Levi just sits down and says
"Carrots are disgusting, dude"

We laugh at nothing till our sides hurt

At the end of the day we meet outside Max's car.
"So who's place today?" Max asks clapping his hands together.

"My mom's out today so it's gotta be one of you guys"

"We can go to my place today."I offer up.
The guys nod their heads in agreement.
"Kay, but not for too long I'm meeting Stella." Max glances at us cautiously as if waiting for our reaction.
My head snaps up and I Grow tense


"Didn't you guys break up?" I snap, desperately failing at my attempt at indifference.
Max looks sheepishly at his feet.
"We're just going to talk," he mutters "what's the big deal?"

"Nothing." I say trying to brush it off "I was just surprised that's all." I open the car door as Max starts the engine "Anyway, I'm totally gonna whoop your asses at Mario cart"
Max begins shouting protests and like magic my odd reaction is forgotten. I settle into my seat pretending not to notice that Levi is still looking at me funny and try and swallow the lump in my throat.

New chapter!
Lammas or goats?
What do you guys think of Levi?

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