16. Wheel or nunchuck?

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I woke up on a picnic blanket tucked in the arms of my best friend. The San part of my brain tells me to get free and wake Max up however the other part of me, the part that's in love, tells me to stay a while. But then I remember that it's morning, that he has a girlfriend and that I am delusional. I try to pry myself free without waking Max up which shouldn't be a difficult task. He's a deep sleeper. I try and gently peel his arm of my waist but in his sleepy state he simply tightens his grip, pulling me closer to his chest. I'm not complaining or anything but this does make my job decidedly more difficult. I make the strenuous effort to turn in his arms to face him and bring one of my arms upwards. With finger outstretched I reach out and poke him directly in his forehead. Max's eyelid twitches but other than that he shows no sign of life. Huffing, I continue my poking until he groggily opens his eyes.
"What is it?"
"Oh yes, sorry to bother you but you appear to have forgotten that we are in fact on top of a hill and you won't let me go."
As soon as I mention this he retracts his arms as though I have burned him and his face goes an adorable scarlet colour.
"Oh." He mutters sheepishly and I can't help feel a little offended. "Sorry."

I bristle a little and not just from the morning chill.
"Relax. I'm not going to mention it to Stella."
Realisation dawns on his face.
"Oh yeah...Stella."

The conversation is verging on awkward and I don't want to taint the memories so I swiftly hop up to my feet and dust my self off, extending my hand to him to help him up. He grabs our stuff and quickly checks his phone.
"Oh crap!" I glance towards him for an explanation. "I said I'd meet Levi today." He hurriedly explains." Wanna come?"

I smile and nod and we head back to the car and back to reality for a while.
"Honey, I'm home!"Max exclaims as he strolls into Levi's living room after letting himself in.
"And I am also here!" I pipe out from behind Levi doing my best jazz hands. Levi laughs but doesn't question it.
"Mario kart?"
I scoff.
"Prepare to be crushed." I say smugly.
In the corner of my eye I see max and Levi share a look so u narrow my eyes at them for good measure and the race begins.

About fifteen minutes in, Max gets a text and pauses the game, resulting in shouts of protest from all corners of the room.
"Stella." He says as way of explanation. He quickly shoots her a text and turns to Levi. "I told her I'm here so she might come over is that cool?"
Levi nods and we u pause the game, only to have to pause it once again when Stella rings the doorbell. Max moves to stand up but Levi just yells:
"It's open!" And she walks into the room.

It's obvious just from one look at her that she's trying to school her expression into one of neutrality but I think she realises that it's not working because she just looks at Max .
"Can I talk to you for a moment?"
Max nods and follows her out the room, shutting the door behind him. I can hear muffled voices through the wall and strain to hear what their saying. In my peripheral vision, Levi grabs to glasses of the table and hands one to me. I stare at home for a moment until he places the cup against the wall and falls silent. I get the gist and copy his movements so I can get a slightly clearer picture of what is going on.
"Why didn't you call me?" Stella is saying to Max. She sounds upset. I hear max exhale before replying.
"I didn't think you wanted me to." He says. " I mean, the fight was pretty bad."
They're both silent for a beat.
"Yeah...it was." She says and I almost can't hear her. "Max... Those things that I said to you... You have to know I didn't mean them." Her voice comes out cracked and broken.
"I said some stuff too." His voice softens and I hear some shuffling of feet.
"I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry too."
After that silence follows and I turn to Levi.
"I can't hear anything." I whisper.
"They're probably kissing or something." He replies in the same hushed tone. I glare at him then press my ear back to the wall. Behind me in hear a throat clear.
I startle and slip falling against the sofa.
"Oh...hey guys."
Stella smiles a small, awkward smile.
"Hey." The silence isn't broken so I step back in, clearing my throat to diffuse the tension.
"So...Stella." I ask. " wheel or nunchucks?" I hold up both options and a smile stretches out into her face.

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