1. The coffee shop at 4:42

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Elodie POV

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Good morrow my dearest love

I wake up to a text from max illuminating my dark bedroom. Grumbling I shoot a text back


His reply is immediate

*audible gasp* are you saying you don't love me anymore?:(

I roll my eyes almost forgetting he can't see me and before I can reply my phone starts ringing. In a panic I quickly answer it to avoid being busted by my parents in the room across the hall.

"What the hell, Max?" I hissed into my phone "it's like four in the Morning"

"Good morning to you too, sunshine" come his infuriatingly cheerful response " and technically it's 4:36"

"Har bloody har"

"Elodie!" He gasps feigning horror "no profanities"

I roll my eyes

"Don't roll your eyes at me, young lady"

I sit up alarmed

"You can't even see me"

"Don't need to."he replies, unfazed. "wanna grab some coffee?"

"It's 4:40 in the morning"

"4:42,"he corrects and I have to resist the urge to scream "and when has that ever stopped us?"

I groan and start to pull my self out of bed and into my jeans
"Fine, meet me outside in five minutes"


He hangs up
"You look like crap"

I shut the door as quietly as I can manage and turn to glare at him

"Would you shut up my parents are right up there"

Max just smirks
"I don't think you're parents really care if you look like crap"

I shoot him a withering look and scowl

He just shrugs and the impish smile is back and he puts a hand over his heart
"And here I was believing my love was reciprocated"

"Oh, my darling you know I love you really" I say as dramatically as I can at five in the morning

"You ready?"

I nod and we begin walking towards the coffee shop in comfortable silence. It's always comfortable with Max.
We stand outside the coffee shop admiring the neon sign reading


" I've always thought they should get rid of that awful thing" Max mutters

"Oh, I don't know," I pretend to muse "I like the subtlety of it"

Max snorts and I grin before making my way in, Max following suit.
I make my way up to the counter to make our order when the rather over zealous employee cuts me off

" ohmygosh, I see you guys here all the time and I just think you're the cutest!"

Max shoots me a sideways glance and winks, pulling me to his side. I pretend I don't feel the tug in my chest and begin my speech.

"Oh thank you!" I gush trying to really exaggerate this one, seeing how far I can go without being suspected "isn't he just so cute! I still can't believe he actually likes me too!"

I make a of show of looking deeply into Max's deep, most certainly not attractive, eyes. To a watcher it would seem cutesy and adorable but I make sure Max sees the challenge in my eyes

Beat that, Stanley

I spy a glint in his eyes as he turns back to the girl at the counter.

"Oh, she's just too darn humble" he says, really laying it on thick "I have no idea what I'd do without her, without her I'm like a cupcake with no icing, I just wouldn't be as good without her beside me"

It is becoming difficult not to roll my eyes
Well played, Stanley, well played
Meanwhile the girl looks like she's about to explode from happiness. She actually squeals and says
"You guys sit down your drinks should be ready soon.

As soon as she walks away Max sidesteps, not far enough to be insulting, just far enough for me to feel his absence. And I feel it.

"Seriously?" I ask finally releasing the eye roll I had been withholding " a cupcake metaphor?" I release a breath "damn, boy"

"So I assume I win this round?"

I stick my tongue out at him

"Not a chance"

He laughs and we slide into our booth at the back.

"I thoroughly enjoyed that" he remarks "one of our best yet i say"

I nod in agreement then motion my head towards the waitress, who is now coming towards us with the usual order. Max snatches up my hand and I have to control my breathing for a moment.

"No, I love you more, Pookie bear"

"I don't think so, boppie"

By this point she's grinning so wide I am beginning to fear for my life but luckily the only thing she sets on the table is our drinks.

"Enjoy!" She says, wiggling her eyebrows.
I definitely do not want to know what she meant by that.
As she walks away Max raises an eyebrow at me.

"Boppie?" He ask incredulously

"Hey, it was spur of the moment!" I defend, reaching for my drink.

Hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows: heaven

"Seriously? Hot chocolate again?" Max chuckles "c'mon, Lo, live a little"

"Hey, don't diss the hot chocolate! It's a classic!" I defend " I don't comment on your weird frappewhatto's you drink! And besides you know I can't handle the caffeine"

Max just chuckles.

"So what's up" I finally ask.

"What do you mean?"

"We only ever come here this early when something's wrong" I reply "what happened?"

"Stella and I broke up" he states

"Oh, Max" I release a breathe "are you okay?"

"Yeah" he sighs " I will be...I just needed some company"

I nod and give him a half smile

We get back to my house at around 5:30 or as Max insists '5:33'.

"Well, m'lady" Max bows, taking my hand "I bid you adieu"

He bends down to kiss the back of my hand and I take my hand from his.

"Don't break the rules." I say softly "we have an agreement"

Max smiles and starts walking down the path but not before quickly hugging me

"Good morning, Elodie "

I forget to complain about him using my full name and I try to ignore the nagging part of my brain that wishes I'd kept my hand in his.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••so that's the first official chapter! Hope you like

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