21. The war on machines continues

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Later that week Max, Levi and I all sat in Max's living room watching cartoons. Levi asked Max to record them so that we could watch them when we were younger and it just stuck I guess. I sit perched on the floor between Max's knees as he sits beside Levi on the sofa. Max is braiding my hair with impeccable focus.
It started when I was around ten and my hair was always out and all over the place but when I tied it up Max loved how complicated the styles had looked and had set himself a goal to learn how to do them himself. He would practice on my hair every day and was teased mercilessly by the other kids but he still didn't stop until he had learnt how to do it. He still sometimes does it. Max has always loved complicated things.
These were the kinds of moments I loved.
"So," Levi asked, his voice lilting with interest. "Looking forward to the big date?" He nudges my shoulder and wiggles his eyebrows at me. I just laugh and roll my eyes. I feel max falter in my hair as a loose strand flutters against my shoulder but he just picks it back up and continues.
"It's just a date, Levi." I remind him. "It's not like we're getting married." I pause. "Anyway I'm not sure if I want to actually go out with him."
Max finally speaks up.
"Well there's no pressure." He reminds smoothly. "Just see how it goes." I nod and turn back towards adventure Time, the cartoon playing.
"Still, Lo," Levi's voice turns serious. "Have fun. And I'll pick you up if he gives you trouble." I roll my eyes but I'm glad he's looking out for me.
"Levi's right." Max says. "You've only met this guy once. He could be a complete weirdo." I try and look upwards at him but he moves my head forward to continue on my plait. I huff but give in.
"Then I'll run as fast as my little legs will carry me."
"Little is right." Levi mutters and I reach up to thwack his knee.
"Oh shut up."

I stand nervously by the door fiddling with the hem of my skirt. After what feels like an eternity a knock sounds in the door. I hesitate for a moment, check myself in the hallway mirror, and open the door to reveal Lucas in a plaid button Down t-shirt fiddling nervously with his collar.
"Hey!" He says when he notices me standing in the doorway. I crack a smile at how nervous he looks and my own nerves melt away. It appears our awkward has cancelled each other's out.
"Hey," I say, giggling. "It's okay, I'm not vicious."
"Well I don't know about that, I mean, the first time I met you, you were savagely attacking a drink dispenser." He says an awkward smile making an appearance on his face. I return it with one of my own.
"Well I'll grant you that but i generally save my violent outbursts for machines."
"Ah! So the war in the machines continues... Shall we go?" I nod and he pauses flicking my plait. "Nice braid."
I allow myself a small smile before following him down the path.

We go to a little cafe around the corner which I hadn't known was there. I had never felt the need to find another cafe. Heartbreak cafe and Max was all I ever needed. I'm glad Lucas didn't take me there.
"Here it is; sandy's!"
"It's really nice," I say as he opens the door and we step inside. "I had no idea there even was a café here."
He laughs nervously and sweeps the hair out of his eyes.
"Yeah, it's tucked away pretty well. My mom owns it." He says proudly taking my hand and leading me to a table. He pulls out a chair for me which I accept and he moves around to sit opposite me.
"What do you want to get?" He says. And I try to ignore the voice in the back of my head which says that this is cruel, that I shouldn't be on a date when I'm in love with Max. I push the voice aside for a moment and enjoy the good company.
At the end of the evening he leads me back up my front oath and we stop by the door.
We both grin and pause for a moment.
"Thanks for agreeing to come out with me."
"Thanks for having me...I had fun."
He smiles.
"I'm glad."
He leans towards me then seems to rethink and kisses me softly on my cheek. He pulls back and holds out a hand.
"As lovely as your company is, I have a feeling that you and I would make better friends then anything else."
There is silence for a moment before we both bust out into laughter.
"You're completely right!" I wheeze between laughter.
He sobers up and re extends his hand.
"Friends?" I accept his hand and give it a firm shake.
"Friends." We both grin again and I turn back towards my house. "Goodnight, Lucas."
"Goodnight, Elodie."

Let's play loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora