Chapter 16

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Netossa and catra cone back in
Catra:" We only have an hour left. So what are we doing? "
Bow: "Were going with plan 2, we fight, get adora back, and somehow get her back. "
Catra: "kay, let me and melog get something. And also if I'm not at the place where they've landed then I'm dead. "
Catra and melog disappear
Purfuma:" She's probably going to the crystal again"
Frosta:" What crystal?"
Bow:" It's a Bunker that's under a crystal. "
Catra: Adora?
Adora: Hey, is this about how to disable the thing?
Catra: Yep.
Adora: I can try to forge the connection and talk while I'm in ethera but don't count on that "
Catra:Ok I'm going to go where they have landed, love you.
Adora: Love you to. ᰔᩚ
Catra mind : Where are the princess? It's literally 8:45.
Glimmer:" Hey catra.
The ship lands
Chipped Adora comes out.
C. Adora turns to catra
Adora forges the connection for a moment
Adora: Kitty?!
C. Adora punches catra
Bow: "Move catra! "
Bow shoots a rope arrow at C. Adora
Catra picks up Adora (it's still Chipped Adora)
Purfuma: "We'll stand guard. "
The best friend squad goes into the war room with C. Adora
Catra sits her on the floor
Adora forges the connection again
Adora:" Hey. It's been a while hasn't it? "
Catra hugs Adora
Glimmer: "Are you back for real this time? "
Adora:"Possibly but to stop the chip you have to-"
Catra stands up.
Catra:" She can talk for a minute, so when she comes back make it quick "
Bow:" Your taking this wayy to seriously. "
Catra breathes in deeply
Catra:" Arrow your getting on my last nerve. Anyways I'm going to-"
Glimmer:" No. Your gonna do the same thing you did last time"
Adora:"knock me out. "
Catra:" I can't do it. "
Glimbow:" We can't ether. "
Glimmer:" How about Catra goes to her room and we talk. "
Catra:" If she's hurt in going to kill y'all. "
Bow:" She won't be hurt! "
Catra goes in to her and Adoras room
Catra mind: I wonder what were going to do when she gets back. Probably make out for a bit. Then do stuff.
Glimmer teleports outside
Glimmer:" Hey- oh y'all defeated them. "
Mermista: "Yeah, also is Adora back? "
Glimmer:" we have to knock her out

Authors note-
Hello reader, as you can notice I haven't been updating this book everyday.  I am writing another book! It's on my profile and if you like this book you might like my other one.
Anyways have a great day/afternoon/night!

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