Chapter 2

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(Catra is laying In her and Adoras bed and is crying into Adoras pillow"
Catra- What do you want sparkles?
Glimmer- "Hey catra, we brought you some stuff. "
Frosta-" More like a lot of stuff"
Scorpia throws a ball of yarn
Catra and melog chase after it
Glimmer-"ok so let's put everything in here
[1hr later]
Scorpia- I'll go look for catra and her cat
All- ok
Scorpia walks though the halls of bright moon looking around for catra. She has looked through all of the halls. Scorpia stops at the room they used as her cell. "She wouldn't be in here would she? " she thinks to herself. She opens the door to catra tided up in the yarn.
Catra- "Hey scorpia could you help me out of here"
Scorpia- "sure Wildcat "
After Scorpia got catra out of that the two girls are walking back to catradoras room
Catra- "Scorpia..i wanted to say I'm sorry about everything I said to you in the horde"
Scorpia-"Aww thanks Wildcat, but don't thank me yet because everyone is doing something for you"
Catra- "Huh what do you mean"
They stop in front of catradoras room
Scorpia-"Open the door and you'll see"
Catra opens the door slowly with melog by her side. She walks in the room surprised with what she sees she thanks everyone.
Adora- "Catra?! Glimmer!? Bow!? Anyone?! Hello.?.."
Adora tried transforming in to she-ra
Adora screams
Her hands are burned
She starts breathing fast, her heart is aching.
She notices something
A glitch?
Adora-"Hello?! Who's there come out! "
??? - "Adora there's no need to be scared"
Adora-"H.. How do you know my name? "
??? - "Your the last she-ra. Everyone knows you. Because you are only using 50℅ of your power."
Adora-" How can I get stronger? "
??? - "Try to get your sword but don't transform in to she-ra"
Adora-Ok but why couldn't I do this on Ethera?
??? - ....
Adora-" Whatever I just wanna go home to my girlfrien- "
Something knocked Adora out

2hrs later

Adora-" Owe.... Wait this looks like the vision I had of the future "
??? - Welcome to your Limbo you can train here . Look at your hand. See the 3 circles. That is what can take you home.
Adora-"How dose it work? Can I use it now? "
??? - You will know when the time is right. Let's start training.

Back on Ethera

Everyone is in the war room (which is now usually used for game night) trying to make a plan to get Adora back
Glimmer-What about we use Mara's ship to look for her?
Bow-What if shes in Ethera but somewhere we haven't explored.
Swift wind- I could try using our sackr-
Mermista- How about we do both of yalls ideas
With two groups and we pick who is in each group. Glimmer gets entrapta- and bow gets me. There now people pick a group.
Scorpia-thats smart but everyone expect me and entrapta don't need our soulstone to have power to do stuff. So I'll be on glimmers team.
Frosta- I'll go with glimmer
Bow - ok so Mermista, Sea hawk, Frosta, Spinerella, and Netossa are in my group and
Entrapta, Scorpia, Purfuma, and wrong hordak are in glimmers group.

Where Are You Adora.... Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora