Chapter 8

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Catra goes to her room in the ship
Catra-"Please work"
Adora- Catra?
Catra- Adora! It worked.
Catra hugs Adora
Catra purs
Angela- Hello catra.
Catra - Hello also who are you?
Angela- Im glimmers mother, Angela
Catra- Adora where is she?
Adora- I haven't figured that out yet.
Catra- well were on your ship looking for you.
Adora -What else has happened since I've been gone.
Catra- not much
Adora sits on there bed
Adora- ps ps ps ps ps ps
Catra runs to Adora purring
Catra - never do that again.
Adora- yeah but you look so cute when i do it
Catra blushes
Catra- I'm not cute.
Adora-You are cute babe
Catra sits beside Adora
Adora smirks
Catra- What are you-
Adora pulls her and catra on there backs
Catradora both laugh
Adora holds catras hand
They turn to each other
Catra gets closer to Adora
Catra kisses Adora
Adora kisses catra back
Adora puts her arms around her cat girlfriend
Catra falls asleep in Adoras arms
Glimmer looks in catras room
She shuts the door and heads back to bow and entrapta
Glimmer- "She's still asleep"
Bow- "She's been there for a long time, did she look like she was breathing? "
Glimmer- "Yeah"
Entrapta- She probably doesn't want to leave Adora where she is
Bow- And she probably doesn't want to loose her again like she did in the horde.
Adora notices catra is asleep
Adoras mind - *lesbain panic*
Adoras face turns bright red
Adora pets catra softly on her head
Catra Smiles then purs
Adora kisses her on the cheek
Catra wakes up
Adora- I'm sorry catra. I didn't mean to wake you up.
Catra- Its ok babe.
Catra notices Adoras arms
Catra- Are those burn marks..?
Adora- I didn't want anyone to see. Please don't tell anyone this but.
Adora whispers to catra- I think I was drowned in acid or something that can burn you because my hair was wet when I woke up here.
Catra whispers to Adora- do you know who it because I will kill them.
Adora whispers to catra- I don't, but when you were chiped in Mara's ship did you see a light?
Catra whispers to Adora- Yeah
Adora (not whispering)- I've been seeing a purple light when I close my eyes.
Catra (not whispering) - So your chiped outside of here? But we defeated Prime.
Adora- They didn't look like prime, they look like double trouble but if they had purple skin, eyes, and were taller.
Catra- Do you think they are related to them?
Adora- Probably-
Glimmer appears
Glimmer- AHH- Oh hi catra and adora- WAIT CATRA AND ADORA?!
Catra throws adoras jacket on her
Adora- How did you get here glimmer?
Glimmer- I tried waking up catra and then I got transported here. Also why did catra throw your jacket at you- Were y'all making out again?
Adora blushes
Catra- We weren't.
Glimmer - Then why is Adora blushing?
Angela- Glimmer?
Glimmer- Mom?!
Catra and glimmer wake up
Glimmer- "How was my mom there catra.. "
Catra-" I could ask adora when I go back.
Glimmer and catra go to the main part of the ship.
Catra- "We weren't making out glimmer. "
Glimmer- "Suree, then explain why adora was blushing when I asked why you threw her jacket at her.
Catra- "She didn't want anyone else to see it.'
Bow-" What is 'it' catra? And glimmer you saw adora?
Catra-"and her mom"

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