Chapter 11

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Catra, outside sitting in a tree sees something in the sky. She runs to glimmer.
Catra-"Sparkles you might wanna see this. "
Glimmer-"huh?! "
Catra takes glimmer outside
Catra-" look it's a ship. "
Glimmer-" I'm going to get bow. "
Catra-"Kay, I'll wait
After glimmer gets him.
They walk near the ship.
The door opens
Adora walls out.
Vincent walks behind her
Vincent- " Very good adora now can you find everyone? "
Adora teleports behind them
Vincent- Very good now y'all do not have to hide. Adora come on let's go.
Catra grabs adoras hand and walks over to him with her.
Catra-" Over my fucking dead body. We know what your going to do to ethera. "
Vincent- Think what you want but if you keep Adora she will be stuck in this state and taking out the chip isn't enough.
Vincent leaves in his ship.
Catra-"that was easy to easy.. "
All the other princes come, read for baddle
Frosta-" We got adora back!? "
Catra- "This isn't adora. "
Glimmer- "let's take Adora back to bright moon"
At bright moon.
Mermista- "Ok tell us what you were doing in ethera. "
Adora- I was coming to see yall, that's what they told me...I was coming to tell y'all about-
Adora gets shoked
Adora screams
Catra-"Adora! "
She runs to Adora and hugs her
Adora- Hello, kitty.
Mermista- "Something is going to happen. Adora, who was that in the ship with you? "
Adora-  Lord Vincent, otherwise know as double troubles father.
Entrapta comes in
Entrapta- "could I remove the chip catra? "
Catra- "Yeah but don't hurt her."
Glimmer- "Catra do you know how to get Adora fully back? "
Catra-"I have an idea but only I can do it. We have to be alone. "
Netossa-"Let me guess your gonna make out with her."
Entrapta has removed the chip and Catradora are in there room
Catra locks the door.
Catra pins Adora on the bed.
Adora-"What are you doing kitty? "
Catra kisses Adora (like they did in the kiss scene)
Adora- mmm
They stop kissing and catch there breath
Adora pulls catra down and they kiss again
Glimmer teleports in
Glimmer- "are you- oh. I'm gonna go"
She teleports out
Mermista-" Is her plan working?"
Glimmer-"She was busy making out with adora."
Mermista- "Eh shes probably wanted to do that for a long time. "
Frosta-"They were kissing? "
Mermista- "Yeah but, uhh, ask spinerella and netossa what making out is"

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