Dinner was beautiful I had lasagne and it was divine. Theo insisted on paying for everyone's meal and we stood getting ready to leave.

As we were walking out Theo gave me the inside of his arm to hold onto whilst we walked out of the restaurant.

His change in behaviour confuses me so much. We are now back in the car and on our way to CLOCKWORK.

I send Freya a message letting her know we are nearly there and she replies saying she's at the bar.

Ben is practically bouncing up and down and says "I can't wait to see where you work and get drunkkkk".

I look to Theo and Riley and they are just laughing at him shaking his head. Ben turns to me "Mia you are going to dance with me right because I can't wait to get your body close to me" winking when he's finished.

I laugh and shrug. I'm not a big dancer unless I've had plenty to drink.

We pull up and everyone gets out of the car, I step out my heels touching the floor and stand walking into the bar. I'm greeted with loud music and head to the bar with everyone.

"Mia, it feels like it's been forever", Freya comes over hugging me.

I introduce Freya to everyone and Jerry comes out to say hello. I give him a quick hug.

Freya is speaking to Riley. When someone comes over and drags me slightly away from the group. I look up to see Matty.

He smiles down and gives me the longest hug ever. "I've missed you so much Mia".

Someone clears their throat at the side of us and we look over to see Theo staring with anger eyes.

"Theo this is Matty he works here" I say. They say their hellos with Theo still looking angry.

Whilst everyone goes off to dance. I grab another drink from the bar sitting on the high stool when I feel someone standing behind me. The person grabs my hip and leans down to my ear "You didn't tell me you've got a boyfriend peaches".

I turn around and look at Theo and smile responding "You don't really know that much about me, do you?", "If you turn around you will see that Matty is very attached to Freya" he turned around to look at the dance floor where the two are very close.

He looked back at me smiling "I'm glad to hear that".

I tilt my head slightly craning my neck to look at him and say "Why are you glad?".

He leans down again coming close to my face and glances down at my lips "Because you are looking absolutely stunning and I would love to dance with you".

I look down not knowing what to say to him when I see a hand waiting for me to grab it will mine.

I grab his hand whilst he leads me to the dance floor.

I have no idea what has gotten into him, one minute he doesn't even want me calling him Theo then the next minute he wants to dance with me.

When we get to where he is happy his hands grasp my waist and his hips start moving behind me. My movements are very unsure it has been a long time since I have been this close to someone and it honestly freaks me out a little. Theos face comes near my neck and whispers in my ear to relax, my body automatically relaxes when he tells me to and I start moving along to the beat with him, a blonde guy approaches me and grabs me away from Theo. I try push him away as he's got me in a tight hold, "You look amazing, wanna go home with me" he said. I continue to try push him away when someone grabs him off me and throws a punch into the guys face.

My first reaction is to run, run as far away as I can get. I see that the guy who is currently still punching the blonde guy is Theo, the look in his eyes are deadly and it terrifies me, it reminds me of the look Ryan used to get. He continues to throw punches whilst Ben runs over and tries to pull him off, I see it's not working and Theos going to do some serious damage so I move fast in between Theo and the blonde guy, Theos fist was in the air ready to throw another punch which when he realised I was standing in front of him stopped just before it connected with my face.

I stand cowering in front of Theo, whilst Jerry gets the bouncers to throw the blonde guy out, I'm just dazed I hear people talking to me and I can't move, I can't speak I'm just paralysed in fear. Someone touches my shoulder and I look over to see Riley she asks if I'm okay and I come out of my dazed and plaster a smile on my face as if nothing ever happened. This is the second time he has been to the bar and the second time he has been in a fight.

I look over to see Theo and he still look at me with anger, I don't know what possessed me as I reached out and touched his lip which was slightly bleeding. I finally spoke "Are you okay?". He looked at me with such fury and smacked me hand away he grabs onto the top of my arm and dragged me along whilst telling everyone that we were leaving.

When outside send a message to Freya and Matty saying I was going home. Ben and Riley are staying at Theos tonight as Cooper is staying with Claire. As we got into the car Theos drivers asked if we had a good night and nobody responded, you could cut the tension with a knife. Ben is sat next to me and grabs my hand which I didn't realise was shaking. Theo is sat opposite staring at ours hands attached to one another.

As we approach the apartment Theo storms in and the rest of us follow, I walk in and my first thought is to disappear into my room as soon as possible. I look over when I hear footsteps near me, I turn to see Theo storming towards me, he's stood so close to me normally it would be fine but with the anger flowing off him I feel so uncomfortable. "Who do you think you are?" he all but shouts in my face. I take a step back and he follows I look down "I'm sorry" I said, I'm not completely sure why I'm sorry but he's so angry right now I will say anything to get him away from me.

I see my hand shaking again and I can't control them. "You are nothing, nobody, look at what you are wearing you look cheap, ugly, I have no idea why that guy wanted to take you home, It's probably because your easy. You are not even pretty" he snarled at me. My back was now against the wall completely whilst he cornered me in. I have no idea why he is saying this stuff, he told me I was stunning earlier on and now all I'm trying to do is not get a beating from him.

Ben and Riley rush over pulling Theo away, whilst he spat out "Remember you are nothing, you will continue doing your job as invisible as you can. One fuck up and your gone". Ben is looking at me with sympathetic eyes and my head drops, I don't want pity this was one of the things that I was trying to avoid by moving.

As soon as Theo is away from me I walk to my room as calm as possible and lock the door, I go to the bathroom and put the shower on and sit on the floor and sob. Silent tears pour out my eyes as I stare at the wall remembering past memories I've been trying to forgot.

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