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In the distance, I could see a storm coming.

Large gray clouds were beginning to blanket the town, blocking the view of the night sky. The air was still, patiently waiting for the inevitable downpour. I took the storm as a warning, knowing I had to find Liam before the first drop of rain fell.

I crept out of my room, my helmet and keys in hand.

I already swapped my clothes and shut all of the lights off, the latter action an attempt for Melissa not to notice my absence. Once she did, she would most likely tell Scott, and I wasn't exactly in the mood to see him.

Hurriedly, I made my way to the stairwell after firmly shutting the door behind me. I had to move swiftly, not wanting to risk any nurses or doctors spotting me, as they would surely tell Melissa. I followed the steps to the basement parking garage, finding my bike in the same spot I had parked it in days ago. There was a thin layer of dust on its surface, but I don't mind it as I straddle the seat and start it up.

I wince as I adjust my posture, my wound making it difficult to get comfortable.

I had wrapped my waist before I left, but not even the thick layer of gauze made a difference. I do my best to place the pain in the back of my mind, and focus on pulling out of the parking garage. The familiar rumble of my bike's engine echoes through the streets, and I dare to smile at the sense of freedom it brings me to ride again.

The wind pushes against my body aggressively as I speed toward the high school. The roads were already empty at this hour, allowing me to make it to campus in no time. Upon arrival, I find the lot already packed with a flood of cars, and feel the distant thumping of whatever song the DJ was playing vibrate my bones.

I park near the sidewalk, not caring enough to search for an actual spot. I slide off my bike and leave my helmet on my seat, staring out at the scene before me.

In the courtyard, dozens of students were pressed together, their sweat transferring onto someone else's skin as they danced in close quarters. Those who weren't moving about aimlessly to the music were huddled together, drinking out of water bottles that I was positive didn't actually contain any water. At the center of them, was a large metal cyclone-shaped structure, a fire blazing from within. The flames reflected across the crowd, creating a hellish atmosphere.

"Fantastic," I mutter sarcastically.

I took a deep breath, trying to keep my composure, as I ventured towards the mob in front of me in order to find my Beta.

As I advance on the horde, I notice some of the lacrosse players wearing their jerseys. I keep my eye out for Liam's nine, hoping he had followed the trend of his teammates. I scan the crowd in search of him, but end up making eye contact with a security guard instead. It made me slightly uneasy, as it wasn't a random coincidence.

He had already been watching me.

At first glance, he didn't seem intimidating. He had a sickly slim build, and the uniform he wore seemed baggy, as if it wasn't even his. The only thing that made him stick out to me was the way he gripped the hilt of his security baton, the weapon dangling from his belt. His hand seemed to cradle it too possessively for someone who had to basically babysit teenagers for a night.

Eventually, he breaks our connection and stiffly travels into the sea of people. I debated following him out, but when I notice Liam in the distance, everything else fades.

He was in the middle of the mass of flailing limbs, completely oblivious to the world around him as he stared up at the night sky.

I brush shoulders with multiple people as I push my way through the crowd. Some of them snap at me for my seemingly rude actions, but I barely register their insults. I didn't care about them, I only cared about Liam. It was as if he had his own gravitational field and it was pulling me in without caution.

Alone • Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now