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Scott insisted that Liam and I stay at his house for the night. 

I tried to argue that it wasn't necessary for me to stay, but he said that since Stiles was coming over anyway he didn't mind adding us to those taking up residence in his home. The two of them had to study for the PSATs tomorrow, as werejaguars and assassins didn't put a stop to the requirements of college applications, so they were likely to pull an all-nighter. 

Liam was honest and told his parents that he was staying over at Scott's, as Geyer was already friends with Melissa due to their jobs, and trusted her son to take care of his. He texted Mason, too, letting his best friend know he was okay. Mason's texts in response were admittedly passive-aggressive, but that was understandable since he was still left in the dark. Scott did his best to attempt to cheer up his Beta as they sat side by side in Argent's SUV, the four of us on the way to the McCall house. 

I had wanted to sit with Liam again, but Chris held firm on the idea of me riding shotgun. He claimed it was so he could keep an eye on my injuries, though that excuse felt a little flimsy considering he hadn't looked at me this entire time.

Liam, on the other hand, hadn't taken his eyes off me. 

His gaze sends endless chills through my body. He watched me from his seat behind Chris, analyzing every move I made. I kept glancing back at him or using my peripheral vision to see if he stopped, but he hadn't since we got in the car. His eyes remained on me, even as Scott spoke to him, which was quite a bit. It was almost as if he was trying to distract him from said staring. 

We pull into Scott's street, and relief floods me at the sight of my motorcycle in his driveway. He must've brought it to the house when he realized I was missing, probably going out to the preserve with Chris to try and find me, but only discovering my abandoned bike.

Chris parks on the curb, his brakes squeaking slightly as we pull to a stop. Scott gets out of the SUV first, coming to the passenger side to open my door. I roll my eyes as he unbuckles me and moves to pick me up in his arms again, and swiftly grab his wrists to stop him. 

"McCall, I swear, if you try to pick me up like a goddam princess again I'll slap you." 

Scott leans away from me, a grin brightening his features. 

"Sorry, princess," he teases. 

"Chris, give me your gun." I said to the man behind me, only half-joking. Chris didn't respond but I could see his subtle smile in the reflection of the windshield.

Scott steps away from the car, allowing me to slide out on my own. I keep a hand on the door to hold myself just in case, though, as that would be incredibly embarrassing if my exhaustion caused my knees to buckle. They don't, but I still sway oddly, and Scott pretends not to notice for the sake of my pride.

Liam comes out of the car, too, rounding it to come and stand at my side. 

"Let me help you inside," he offers, holding his arm out to me. 

Scott had this expectant, mildly amused expression as he waits for me to shoot Liam down. I've done it countless times before, brushing off a person's touch, so it's natural of his to assume that would happen again. His expression shifts, though, as I accept Liam's offer, looping my arm around his extended elbow. 

Liam pulls me into him further, wrapping both of his hands around my forearm to keep me steady. His body heat had returned after the poison left him, and I savor the blanket of warmth he provides from the cool night air.

He led me towards the front door of the house, unaware of the way Chris and Scott's eyes darted between us with calculating gazes. I wasn't the type to accept help when injured and wasn't the most outright person when it came to physical contact, but I was too drained to try and hide the vulnerability Liam had created inside me.

Alone • Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now