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Scott went over to Stiles, laying a hand on his best friend's shoulder. It was an attempt at comfort, but it wasn't enough to erase the mistake we had made. 

Derek moves, too. He helps to Kira stand, allowing her to lean on him as she sways. Their movement catches my eye, and my attention falls to their feet as broken shards of glass glint in the moonlight. The illumination peeks through the gap of the stairwell, reminding me of the offer I had made to Satomi for her pack, and how I wasn't acting on it. 

I go over to their position, beginning to pick out mushrooms from the pieces of glass from the jar Scott had broken.

"I - I have to get the reishi to Lookout Point," I force myself to speak. 

"Why?" Scott asks, obviously not wanting anyone else to leave. 

"Satomi's pack, they're still out there," Derek responds for me. 

I shove a handful of the mushrooms into my jacket pocket. As I stand, my eyes land on a distressed Stiles who continues to stare blankly ahead. I wanted to stay, to be here to take care of him and the others, but I couldn't.

"Go," Derek says, sensing my desire to stay. "I'll take care of them." 

I give him a grateful nod before bolting up the stairs. I don't look back and focus on the path ahead to reach my bike. My pace only slows when I hear another person's breathing closing in.

I turn around, finding Liam hot on my trail. 


He doesn't bother to listen to the rest of my argument, passing me to my bike. He grabs my helmet, holding it out to me with a defiant expression. 

"You're not going without me," he commands. 

With a sigh, I take my helmet from him and accept defeat on the matter. 

Liam slides into place behind me after I straddle my seat. His hands grab my waist tightly, and he presses himself into my back firmly. Packing him was quickly becoming an easy routine, and it only take a few seconds for us to get on the road. I maneuver through the limited cars that are on the streets, not sparing any time in minor traffic. People honk angrily as I cut them off, which only fuels my desire to go faster.

When we get to the entrance to the preserve, I shut off my motorcycle as it wasn't meant for the rough terrain. We move on foot to the path that leads into the woods, finding it blocked by a heavy chain that urges people to turn away. Liam and I sprint past it, ignoring the sign that has "No Entry After Dark" written in bold letters. 

We reach Lookout Point soon enough, both of us panting heavily from the uphill climb. 

It's difficult to see with the scarce amount of light, the moon providing minimal visibility. Through the extensive shadows, I make out clumps of werewolves that are spread out on the edge of the cliff. Only a few of them were on their feet, while the rest lay on the ground, infected.

Deaton is there with them. He cautions the wolves to stay calm as Liam and I advance on their position, and leaves those he was previously helping. His dark eyes are trained on me as he comes closer, a combination of hope and expectancy within them.

"Did you get it?" he asks in a low voice. I reach into my pocket and pull out the reishi, proudly displaying it to him in my palm. He grins as he carefully picks out a few pieces. 

"They need to ingest it. They've been exposed to the poison for too long," he says before parting from Liam and I. He rushes to distribute the mushroom, going to those who were already coated with black goo.

I scan our immediate area, searching for who to help. I stop when I find a pair of wolves on the ground beside a fallen tree. There's enough light that slips through the foliage of the trees for me to recognize Brett's face in the dark. He has a girl in his lap. She's probably only a few years younger than him, but because of his large stature, she looks like a frail child rather than a teenager. 

Alone • Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now