Ike started to calm down once I explained it to him. Almost all of my classmates looked amazed that I predicted something like this would happen and even Horikta looked at me differently from the rest. Although I could tell it was definitely not love.

"Then what should we do first class leader," Keiruzawa said in a teasing manner.

"Well, first I want everyone to just enjoy themselves."

"Eh!" Hirata exclaimed, even he looks shocked. A lot of my classmates shared the same feeling as Hirata.

"We just became class B, we took two giant steps to become class A already, shouldn't we be happy. Trying to become class A is good but we need to enjoy our school lives so stress doesn't build up and we perform badly so that's why I want everyone to go enjoy themselves today because even Chabashira-sensei said something like this has never happened before," I explained.

We just got an information load dumped on us and a lot of the students are probably still a little shocked about this and some dissatisfied so we can't have a proper discussion like this. Trying to aim for A class is good but ignoring their mental health is bad and will make them perform worse.

"Hey, who wants to go hang out," I said.

"Sure!" Sudo exclaimed with a smile.

I hung out with quite a few of the boys in our class and we went to the arcade and played. A lot of them were shocked when Ayanokoji said we've never been to an arcade. 

My phone vibrated and I checked who I got a message from.

(Sayakanagi) : Congratulations on becoming B class Yuji.

Oh I still have her saved as Sayakanagi, I'll change that later.

(Yuji) :Thanks, your class only lost a few points, it is probably because of you Arisu is it not.

(Sayakanagi) :The students in class A already were disciplined, I just gave them a warning as a leader.

(Yuji) : Sorry I need to go now. I'm hanging out with my friends, bye Arisu.

(Sayakanagi) : Goodbye Yuji.

"A friend?" Ayanokoji asked.

"Yeah, she texted me congratulations on becoming class B."

"Damn she must be from B class then if she's congratulating an enemy, a lot of them are really nice," Ike said.

I didn't deny his claim and just smiled. When I got back home I just dropped on my brd, a lot happened today but the arcade is a fun place.

-May 9

I managed to convince Sudo to let me tutor him yesterday. I also used 2500 points to change my phone number just in case those seniors were lying about removing my contact number.

Right now I was in the student council room with Tachibana, Manabu and just me. A lot of the students council didn't have work today so it was only us 3 for today. Many of the student council members were impressed by me becoming B class in just the first month.

"Shin you might wanna see this, think of it as your reward for performing so well and boosting the view of the student council," Manabu said 

The whole school found out I was the leader of Class B and a part of the student council since I became a part of the student council in the first month and became class B peoples opinion on the student council raised. I honestly don't know how much though.

I walked over to his chair and he handed me some files.

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka 

Japanese: 50
Social studies:50

Seriously, there is no way this is a coincidence. Now that I think about it, what did Ayanokoji get on the recent test? I took a picture of our class scores so I would know if they need help because I can't memorise all of it in one glance.

He got 50 on that test as well. He has a pretty good body and he's a genius. He hasn't done anything yet, maybe he doesn't care about the classes like Koenji and just wants to live his life in this school and have fun. I hope that's the case because I would rather have him doing nothing than being a time bomb.

"This year class D seemed to be filled with unique people," Manabu exclaimed.

"Thank you for this gift senpai," I said happily. "I  need to go to class now."

I headed towards my class and everyone was inside 7 minutes early. They really are taking this seriously. Ayanokoji's eyes matched mine and I realised I unconsciously stared at him.

I went towards my seat and sat down. 

The lesson started like normal and everyone was paying attention. Chabashira-sensei also mentioned the midterms are coming up.

I didn't have much trouble with the classes and before I knew it, it was lunch. I wonder what shall I d

A)Ask Arisu if she wants to play a chess match.

B)Text Ayanokoji and ask to eat with him, and ask about his intentions.

C)Go to the student council.

D)Lead the class and start a discussion about the midterm exams.

Author note: Chabashira didn't call Ayanokoji this time because of Shin but Ayano is more like the last option and she's not as desperate because they are class B. He also doesn't get stabbed by the compass so lucky him, the reason is that this time he knew they would lose points but originally they had 0 in the ln. Horikta also never got to see Ayanokoji 50 percent so I won't have to think about her calling Ayano a pawn which made me cringe. please consider voting if you like it.

The choice is yours.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن