"I'm coming! I would of been home earlier if I wasn't married to a bitch." Dream muttered.

George felt cold, probably from the ice seeping through his phone. Something about Dream's tone was killing him. Dream sounded so cold and disconnected from him. Though, they both had a lot of new trauma to handle. Everyone handles it differently.

"Nevermind, this bitch wants to be alone!" George hung up and threw his phone at the wall, severely cracking the screen. He had so much going on mentally, and Dream wasn't helping soothe him in the slightest.

He walked to their shared bedroom and opened the closet. Out of anger, George took out all of Dream's things. He threw them into a pile on the floor. He went around the whole room and tossed Dream's belongings into the pile. George was at this for quite some time.

Dream returned home and walked in on him angrily throwing Dream's things onto the large pile in the middle of their bedroom.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Dream grabbed his laptop out of George's hands before he could toss it onto the floor.

"If you don't want to be married to a bitch, then you can leave!" George crossed his arms and nodded his head towards the pile. "Start packing your shit. Go live with your family that matters so much more than me!"

Dream should of been hurt be the event, but he got mad instead. Probably because he was just as stressed as George. "EXCUSE ME?!" Dream put his laptop down, and knocked George's cologne collection off of the dresser. "This is my house! I pay the rent, you think you can kick me out?"

George went silent, upset that Dream was fighting back. He was being hypocritical, because he was just as toxic to Dream.

"Our marriage isn't worth the risk anyway, why'd we even go to Snow Chester?! We could of just divorced, and Sapnap might still be alive!" Dream pulled his ring off his finger and threw it into the pile. "I'm done, none of this is worth dying for!"

George stood in shock, his mouth hung open. He couldn't believe what Dream had said and done. Looking down at his hand, he looked at his love ring. Frowning at the thought of giving it back to Dream.

Dream approached George closer, and held out his hand. "I want my ring back, wether we get a divirce or not I'm done."

George shook his head frantically, beginning to cry and fold in on himself. He ended up sitting on the pile of clothing and random junk. The more he cried, the more pathetic he felt. He brought this on himself.

"Jesus Christ..." Dream scoffed and massaged his forehead. The whole day had been one massive headache. This was the last thing he wanted to deal with. "You are a fucking bitch, you tried kicking me out first. Don't cry because you didn't get your way, get the fuck out of my house!" Dream picked up his laptop again, and this time he threw it at George.

George got up immediately and rushed to the kitchen. There he stood by the sink, with his arms uncrossed. Clearly readying himself to catch flying objects or to sheild himself.

Thankfully instead of following him, Dream started putting his things away.

George couldn't phone anyone because his cellphone was now broken. Their house phone was in their bedroom, and he wasn't about to go back in there in the moment. Instead he went to the couch and sat down. Sobbing quietly, but not too loud. He didn't want to piss Dream off anymore.


After having time to cool down, Dream cautiously left the room. He was very flammable and didn't know when he would light up in rage again. Seeing George on the couch crying really hurt him though. They were both in the wrong, but someone had to apologize first.

"George..." Dream sat on the couch, deciding to take that L. He was the only one that got violent so he decided he would apologize first. Expecting George would apologize second.

"What?" George glared at him, not over getting a laptop thrown at him. It wasn't about how heavy or damaging the item was. It was about the gesture, and who did it. Even if Dream threw a granola bar at him in a fit of rage, it still hurt. Knowing he did it with aggressive intentions.

"I'm sorry...I should of handled it like an adult. Instead of having a tantrum..." He admitted to his immature behavior, waiting for George's confession.

"I'm sorry for trying to kick you out..." George sighed, not wanting to confess that he was wrong too. "I know I was overreacting and being crazy. It just really hurt when you called me a bitch...and I had a really hard night last night. I was scared and I really wanted your comfort..."

Dream nodded his head, accepting the apology. "I'm sorry for that too. Can you help me put my things back?"

"Can you put your ring back on first?" George noticed he still had it off.

"I don't know...maybe it's time we start thinking about a divorce." Dream held on to that idea. He and George had been on and off with their toxic behavior. Snow Chester left them both traumatized and fried. It was probably best for them to seperate. So they didn't continue to take out their frustrations by fighting each other.

"You actually want to divorce...why? I thought we were going to work things out?" George pouted as whatever was left of his heart finally died.

"That's not going to happen. We start doing good, then we end up like this again. It's time to give up. We can do better." Dream insisted that it was for the best that they seperate now.

"Whatever..." George chose to ignore it. Hoping after a couple days, Dream would drop that idea and love him again. He changed the subject to get Dream's mind off the divorce plan. "My head really hurts..."

Dream looked at the stitches and chewed on his bottom lip as he thought. "Let's go to the ER and have them removed."

Ring Around My Heart (DreamNotFound +) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now