Kabanata 30 (Chapter 30)

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After that I left before him and went inside my hotel room. I fixed my things to distract myself. At 10 am our car started moving. We are now on our way to the city. I just slept through the whole ride and I am so glad no one was bothering me. I arrived at the hotel and immediately went to the tub. I tried drowning myself but it didn't work. I washed up and went to my bed.

My mind keeps on getting back to that specific time, after a few minuted I was able to go to sleep.

"Mommy, where am I?" I asked my mom while scanning the room I am in. I looked at my hand and I noticed and IV attached to it.

"What happened?" I asked them in a nervous tone.

"Honey." My mom said and started crying.

"What happened mom?" I asked her.

"I am so sorry." Mommy said and hugged me. I looked at dad to ask him what is happening but I noticed a tear on his eyes.

"Mommy, daddy, what happened to me? Why am I in the hospital?" I asked them.

"We didn't know you're pregnant." Mommy said in a shaky voice.

"I am pregnant?!" Shock was evident on my face.

"You didn't know?" Daddy asked I shook my head. My hand immediately went to my tummy. I didn't know that there was fetus inside me.

"Is my baby okay?" I asked them and the both of them didn't answer.

"Mom and dad is my baby okay? Please answer me." I said in a nervous tone. I am shaking, my baby can't die.

"Honey we are so sorry the baby didn't survive." Mommy said and hugged me.

"No." I said and started crying.

"My baby." I said while caressing my tummy. My baby is dead, my baby is not inside my womb anymore.

"Where is my baby?" I asked them and they showed me a jar and I saw blood.

"You were 6 weeks pregnant honey." My mom said and I cried hard while hugging the jar.

"My baby please." I said repeatedly while crying.

And the place darkened and I saw a little girl running in the garden looking at me calling me.

"Mommy, let's play." She said while giggling. She is beautiful.

I went to hug her but when I came near she was gone.

"Baby where are you?" I shouted while looking around.

I woke up from a bad dream again that was sick. I wiped the tears on my face and reached for my side table, I looked for my medicine and drank a lot of them for me to sleep again. It's still 3 am.

I remembered that was discharged a day after that, we buried my baby in our garden inside the gazebo. My little angel is there. I became distant with everyone at that time. I didn't talk to my friends, I worked even if my parents said it's okay not to work yet but I want to convert my attention somewhere. I buried myself at my work. I took straight duties and I was on call all the time. The person who was there for me at that time was Dr. Roswel, he didn't know what I have been through but he comforter me and stayed by my side throughout that difficult time in my life.

Morning cam I immediately took a bath and readied myself since I am going to go back to Manila. My friends said that they will send me to the airport.

When I was done with everything I went down and I immediately saw Yanna waiting for me. I went to her and pinch her back which made her scream.

"Childish." She said and rolled her eyes.

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