Kabanata 8(Chapter 8)

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I didn't mind him na and just talked to Yanna. He really looks dumb but he is gwapo. We waited and waited for Jenny until she arrived.

"Girls let's go to class na, 10 minutes left nalang." Jenny said.

After that we went to the classroom na. I noticed that there are a lot of students na, I was about to roam my eyes around, but Yanna spoke.

"Ohh the guys are here, I guess they are our classmates for this sub too."

"Maybe." Jenny said.

After that we sat down on the vacant seat na and waited for our prof to arrive. Our class for today is about Analytical Chemistry. When I was in high school I loved chemistry and I hope that I won't hate it now. After the lecture he said that we will have a quiz next meeting and after that he dismissed us.

When I was about to fix my things, but I stopped when I saw a figure in-front of me. I raised my head to see who the person is and saw Xavier or Ivan.

"Hi! Can I talk to you?" He asked while fixing his hear. He is handsome talaga.

"I have a class after this and it will start mga 20 minutes from now, that's why I have to go now." I said while fixing my things.

"Let's talk after your class, I will just text you where we will meet." He said.

"Ok fine, I'll give you the book later nalang." I said and left.

While walking to our next class Yanna and Jenny kept on teasing me.

"Uy France, how did Ivan and you become friends or something." Yanna asked while clutching on my left shoulder.

"We are not friends." I said in a serious tone. She just nodded as an answer and I am sure that she did not take me seriously since she giggled after that.

We arrived at our next class and  our class is about Human Anatomy and Physiology with Pathophysiology. This course deals with human in terms of its adaptations, structural framework, with emphasis on physiology regulations' adaptive mechanism, integrates lecture with laboratory experiences which provides exercises and techniques necessary in clinical situations. I listened to our professor as she was lecturing us. I learned a lot today, I learned about the human anatomy and also how it works. Our lesson for today was not heavy since it was like a retackle of our lessons when we were in high school.

After that class, we went to the canteen to eat since our other class will start at 3pm.

"Nindot si ma'am na teacher, chill ra siya and like she is very informative." Princess said while were lining up to order here in the canteen, she was mixing bisaya and english.

"Yep, nindot si ma'am." I said, agreeing to her statement. Dr. Cruz is a good teacher, she already has a phd but she let's us call her ma'am lang and also she is literally good since she doesn't make the lesson sound difficult.

After that we finally arrived at the counter and ordered some food. When we arrived at our table while carrying our food, I took my phone out of my pocket since I want to check if there are messages. I am right there are messages from the jerk.

"Hey what time does your class end?" I read his message in my head.

"My class ends at 4:30, I can give the book to you later." I replied to his message. After that I started eating na since I am hungry. It's currently 1:30 pm and this is our lunch pa. I am eating rice and pork tonkatsu. I heared my phone beeped and checked it.

"Sure. My class also ends at 4:30 I will just see you at the entrance." He replied and I replied ok. After that I resumed eating.

After eating we started walking to our class na and while we were walking Jenny asked me something.

"France, what did you and Ivan talked about kanina. I am curious kasi." She said while showing me her puppy eyes, I was just planning to ignore her question but I saw Yanna and Princess also looking ate me like that. They look dumb, I should take a picture of this, I said on my head while laughing.

"We just talked about the book, which I should give to him later." I said.

"Ohhhh" The three of them said in sync, bagay sila mag choir.

We finally arrived at the classroom and we saw lots of students na that's why we look for a chair and seated there na. After an hour and a half our class finally ended na. I immediately went out of the classroom and went to the entrance. I don't know why I am fast walking as if importante yong pupuntahan ko, that's why I started walking on a normal pace now.

As I was getting near the entrance na, I saw him at the bench near the gate, looking down at his phone and a second after that his phone rang and I heard him talking about to someone.

"Dad, I am doing my best. Yes, I will update you when I get my grades already. Yes dad, thank you. Good bye." I heard him say. So that was his dad, I remembered how his dad scolded him before, I bet he's pressured.

"Hi" I said to him after seeing him put his phone back on his pocket. He smiled at me and I smiled at him too. I don't want to be masungit to him right now because I feel that he is tired.

"Hi! You are here already." He said.

"Do you want to eat somewhere first before you give me the book?" He said. I don't want to accept his offer but he feels sad that's why I said.

"Sure, let's go?" I said while smiling at him. He was shocked at my remark and smiled, but I know that she is not happy talaga.

"Ohh sure, let's ride my car?" He asked

"Sure I will just text kuya to not pick me up." I said.

We went to his car na, he owns a freaking bmw.  He opened the door on the shotgun seat and let me in, I went in and after that he closed the door and went to the driver seat. He started the engine and we started to embark for our next destination.

"Thank you." He said while looking at the road.

"For what?" I asked confusingly and looked at him.

"Thank you for coming and for accepting my invitation." He said and looked at my direction and smiled.

Author's note:
Thank you for reading my story! I am sorry for the late update since I have been busy with my schoolwork lately, thank you very much and stay safe always!

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