14-We're Grown Up

Comincia dall'inizio

He said, and I was dumbfounded.

"You know this song?!?"

"Of course I do, it's one of my favorite songs."

"Really?!? Same!"

"That's because, I was so related to it's meaning, my life before you was a trash."

"No don't say that it's a trash, you're precious, okay?"


And yeah, we sang together with low voice.

Say you love me
Say you love me
세계의 끝가지
All or nothing I give all of you
I know I love you!

"We did it,thanks Y/N."

"I was so shocked when you told me you know this song, anyways do you know TXT???"

"Yes, I liked all of them. Choi Soobin,Choi Yeonjun, Choi Beomgyu,Kang Taehyun, HueningKai???"

"Omg! You're MOA?!!?!?"

"Gosh calm down Y/N, yes I am."


He's a fanboy😭
I didn't even notice that he's a MOA whenever I played their songs, sometimes. Now I know.


-2 Months Later-
We finally made it.
Academic periods were finally done.
As we walked to the hallway,many students were looking at the school board. Some are cheering.

"Do you know what's going on???"

"No, shall we look forward to it???"


We're just going towards them, and some of them noticed us.
They made a way for him. Looking down quietly.
As he looked at the list, he turned to me and said,

"We're there.Congratulations"


And yeah, I saw my name too.
I looked at others and said,

"Congratulations everyone! We did it!"

They looked at me. One of them spoke up and said,

"We're sorry for our misbehaving for all this time..."

"We're sorry..."

Heeseung and I looked at each other,then we turned to them. I said,

"We, forgive you. I knew you learned a lesson. And yeah, it's never too late to change for the better."

"Thanks Y/N, I'm so sorry for those things I did to you"

Omg, she's the one who bullied me, she came and hugged me, she was crying. I can feel she's really regretting it.

"Don't cry, it's over, and yeah, we'll live in the present and make the most of it."

"Thank you."

We handshake.
Then Heeseung spoke up.

"I'm glad that y'all realized what you had done,"

Before he continues, he removed his paper bag.

"And were hoping y'all will really change for the better.So yeah, congratulations to all of us."

He clapped, and all of us followed and cheered.
Heeseung smiled at me, I can see how happy he was.


Our graduation day.
Heeseung didn't wear his paper bag.
My mom and Mrs. Lee were so happy. They congratulate us.

"You did it Y/N!!! We're so proud of you!"

"Thanks mom!"

"Congratulations Y/N, and thank you for helping Ethan."

"You're welcome Mrs. Lee, and Ethan is really nice boy."

Mrs. Lee smiled, then she went to her seat with mom.
I came near Heeseung and said,

"We made it, Heedungiee!"

"Yeah, and I'm glad that I'm graduating with you, our hard works paid off."

He said, smiling.
After some time, the ceremony started.All of us were listening attentively. Everyone were happy.
This is the best day of my high school life.

[Heeseung's P.O.V]
After the ceremony, Ma came to me and congratulated me once again.

"I'm so proud of you Ethan, so as your parents."

"Thanks Ma, I'll not reach this victory without your support."

"I'm so proud of you, my son."

It wasn't Ma. So I turned around,because the voice sounds familiar.
It was my dad.
Tears came out, I hugged him. He hugged me back.

"I'm so sorry for those times that I'm not with you, I-"

"Dad, it's the past, it's over. Even though you're not always at my side, you always care for me. And that's what I'm thankful for. We can start all over again."

Tears filled his eyes, he smiled and hugged me again.
I understand him. He's still my dad no matter what happens. I love him. And to my mom, I wish the best for her.
Ma was happy for us, she hugged us.
My dad thanked Ma for everything.

"My son is grown up, time flies so fast"

He said as he ruffled my hair.
Mrs. Kyun and Y/N came to us.

"Yoona, we're leaving now, congratulations again."

"Wait, meet Ethan's dad,"

"Anneyeonghaseo Mr.Lee"

They said as they bowed. Dad bowed at them too.

"Dad, meet my friend, Y/N."

I said.
Y/N bowed shyly, and Dad smiled at her.

"Thanks for being with my son, Y/N"

"You're welcome sir"

"Before they leave, we should take a picture."


First picture were all of us, then me and Y/N, then Y/N and her mom,me and Ma, 3 of us, and finally, me and dad.

"Alright then, see you soon again, Seomin and Y/N."

"Thank you Yoona. We'll go now, bye!"

"Bye!!! Take care!!!"

They walked away, leaving us behind.

"We'll go to Ethan's favorite restaurant, what do you think??? "

"Really appa?!! Thank you!!!"

"Then we shall leave now, it's getting crowded here."

We left.
I enjoyed my time with them.
We even went to the amusement park, caues why not???
I was in the best of my spirits.
We're really grown up.

Paper Bag | Lee Heeseung FFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora