Chapter 6- Sarah's bad fever/Norman had an F- on his math test... again!

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Sarah woke up and she is not feeling well about going to school.

"Hi, Sarah." James said as he came into their room.

"Achoo!" she sneezed.

Norman came into their room.

"What is that sneezing, Norman?" James asked.

"Uh—I think Sarah is ill. We were supposed to be going on a field trip to the waterpark..." Norman said.

"I am okay, it is just—achoo!" Sarah sneezed after she got cut off.

Sam came into their room, and he felt her forehead.

"Are you okay? Aw, you sound awful..." Sam asked and said.

"We are going on a field trip today, but Sarah cannot come. Will she be alright, Uncle Sam?"

"James, I am sure she will be fine."


After Sam already took Norman and James to school, he got back home and takes care of his niece.

"Uncle Sam, will I be fine?" Sarah asked.

"James told me you have nothing to worry about."

"But—but—my fever is really awful." Sarah said with tears in her eyes.

"I know, my niece. I know. Aw..." Sam said as he hugged her tightly.

Meanwhile in the Newtown Grade School, James's class is watching a video on, "How to not spread germs," but Norman hated the video about it.

Later—their video was interrupted by a news report on TV.

"We interrupt your regular program to give you a breaking news report." said the news anchor man on TV.

"Yes! We are not doing the boring germs!" Norman whispered.

"Norman Price!" shouted Ms. Chen.

"I am sorry, Ms. Chen!" Norman said.

"The Newtown Waterpark will be canceled today, because all the people are caught with a fever." he said.  

"Aw..." said the kids sadly.

"What about the water rides? That is my favorite part of the waterpark." Hannah asked.

"What about the "Amazing Scary Coaster?" I always wanted to go one of these." Harry asked.

"Phew! It looks like we are not going on a scary ride trip anymore! We might wait... until next year..." James whispered as his face is not caught with no fear.

Back in her room, Sam has been made her some breakfast, and she feels her tummy ache.

"Is your tummy still hurting?" Sam asked.

"Yes, Uncle Sam. My tummy hurts." she said.

"Let me check your—"

Sarah is about to throw up.

"I will get you a bucket, quick!"

As Sam was getting the bucket quickly, Sarah threw up on it.

"Aw, you poor thing..."

Back at the Newtown Grade School...

"Aw, why are we not going to the waterpark, Ms. Chen?" Norman asked.

"Norman—the reason why we are not going to the waterpark, because some people had caught a fever like we heard on the TV, and Sarah is not here today." she said.

Ms. Chen turns off the TV.

"Now, children. We are going to do our math test today. I hope everyone will do their best."

"Yay! I love doing math! It is my favorite subject!" James said.

Norman scoffed to him.

"I do not think you will like that boring old math, James."

Back in her room that afternoon...

She groaned in her bed.

"Do not worry. I am sure it will be fine." Sam said.

"Uncle Sam, what is that breaking news report at the Newtown Grade School talking about?"

"It is the Newtown Waterpark that we heard on TV earlier, and it will be closed due to the fever. Are you going to eat lunch?" Sam asked her. 

"No, I am still—"

She groaned again.

"Aw, it will be okay. Are you still hungry?"

She shook her head.

"No, Uncle Sam. I'm not feeling hungry..."

"I will pick up Norman and James from school." Sam said as he touched her hand.

"Okay, Uncle Sam."

Back in Newtown School, the kids are going home for the day.

"Yes, Norman! I got an A+! What about you?" James asked.

"I got an F-."

"Hi, James and Norman." Sam said.

"Hello, Uncle Sam! We have our math test done, and I got an A+!"

"That is great, James! What did you get on your math test, Norman?"

"Uh—I got an F-, Sam."

Sam gasped.

"See? I told you!" James said.

"Norman Price! We will talk about it when we get home!" Sam said angrily.

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