Generated Prompts 1

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2 prompts per chapter! And the first prompt is gonna be, "schlatts trying to get his computer to work and is getting really mad and is flipping out, Wilbur is dying of laughter about how mad he is"
"GODDAMMIT!!! THIS FUCKING COMPUTER!" schlatt banged his hand onto the desk in anger. Wilbur giggled a little. Schlatt whipped his head around to look at wilbur. Schlatts face had a pissed look on it. Wilbur laughed even more at his facial expression. "SHUT UP WILBUR! ITS NOT FUCKING FUNNY-!" He yelled in annoyance, almost standing as he yelled. Wilbur slapped his knee, trying to catch air, failing miserably. "SHUT. UP!!!" schlatt turned back around, slaming his hands onto the desk. He yelled for another 5 minutes as Wilbur rolled on the floor crying. "FINALLY HOLY HELL!" Wilbur stood up, almost falling, wiping away tears. "Oh my god- your face- it- it was so red-" Wilbur died of laughter once more. Schlatt scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "I'm going to get coffee." He walked off. "WAIT GET ME ONE PLEASE BABE-"  "STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Wilbur ran downstairs and jumped into schlatts arms, luckily schlatt caught him. "m' sorry love, forgive me please" Wilbur pressed his forehead to schlatts, causing the other to smile. "Alright alright I forgive ya" Wilbur smiled happily, placing a kiss onto the shorters nose. "Alright now I'm not making coffee for you for doing that" He dropped Wilbur, the other landing on his ass. "OW!" Wilbur whined as he fell back, holding his knees to his chest, going on about how much it hurt. "Oh shut up ya baby" schlatt walked over to Wilbur, picking him up bridal style. Wilbur looked at him with a smile. "Can we watch a movie please?" Wilbur cooed. "Whatever" schlatt walked over to the couch, placing the taller down. schlatt sat down next time him, pulling him closer. "Love you schlatt~" Wilbur whispered into the others ear. "Shut up."
Alright! The second prompt is, "schlatt takes Wilbur out for valentine's day to cheer him up after his original confession with someone else failed. As schlatt tries his best to make Wilbur happy and succeeding after only a few attempts, Wilbur realizes he would have rather been with schlatt instead."
Schlatt sighed, sitting back in his chair, he waited for Wilbur to get back from going out with another. Something in him hurt about this. It hurt him that it wasn't him Wilbur was asking out. He frowned a little. The door to the house opened. He stood up, racing downstairs to see a crying, son of a mess Wilbur. "Wilbur!? Are you ok!?" Schlatt ran over to him pulling the crying mess into a hug. "S-she rejected m-me-" Wilbur sobbed out. Schlatt rubbed his back. "Hey...I know its a little soon...but could I take you out for dinner..? (No you can't mf just went threw a reject and you're already asking for a date like bitch no-) I haven't had anyone to go out today with..." schlatt shot his shot. He hoped he would say yes. "S-sure..." schlatt smiled. "Alright, let's get you cleaned up first."
After they got Wilbur situated, they both went out, holding hands as they walked. "Thank you again schlatt..." schlatt looked at wilbur, smiling. "Of course man, that's what friends are for." Wilbur walked closer to schlatt, placing a kiss onto his forehead. Schlatt froze. Wilbur stood in front of him, giggling. "Come on silly, i don't know where we're going." Schlatt snapped out of his trance, blushing a tad bit. They continued to walk to the restaurant as Wilbur broke the silence. "So uh, how's life...?"  Schlatt sighed, it sucked honestly. Not that he wanted to say that, but he did. "It sucks. Nothing goes right, one minute I'm at the vet getting x-rays for my cat who ate magnets, next minute I'm going to New York for a funeral. My life is hell." Wilbur gripped harder onto schlatts hand. Schlatt felt himself almost crying, but held it in. "And on top of that I'm broke as fuck, so I can't pay for aything, I'm about to lose my house, I'm in denial." A tear fell from schlatts eye, he wiped it away quickly. "I can help you.."  "No, I don't wanna bring you into this. This is my problem, not yours."  "Nonono, I insist! Please..." schlatt looked at wilbur. Wilbur held both of schlatts hands. "No."  "Please can I just give you a little bit of money..?"  "No!"  Wilbur let go of one of schlatts hand as they continued walking. They got to the restaurant about 2 minutes later. Both took there seats across from one another. They ordered there food as schlatt tried to make Wilbur somewhat happy, he failed a few times, but finally got him to laugh. "So had no one to go out with today..?" Schlatt frowned. He really wanted to go out with Wilbur as his valentine, but now it was just a night out at dinner. " one. Because no one likes me." Wilbur grabbed schlatts hand. "That's not true...I do..! I'm sorry love..." Wilbur pulled schlatts hand to his mouth and kissed it gently, causing schlatt to go pink. Wilbur giggled a little. "Why wouldn't anyone not wanna go out with you?"  "Well, I'm not pretty like all the other boys, I'm no where near as skinny as one loves me wilbur."

Wilburs pov (for once not 3rd person-)

Hearing those words come out of his mouth hurt me. Why did he think of himself this way? "Baby...don't listen to any of those thoughts in your head that are telling you this, it's all lies. You're beautiful just the way you are, you don't have to be skinny for one to love you y'know?" I wanted to stand up and hug him so bad. I felt like he needed a really big hug. "I get that...but I'm just not cut out to be anyone's lover." I wanted to yell at him telling him how perfect and beautiful he is, I really did, but sense we were in public i couldn't. "Schlatt, stop saying this stuff about yourself! Your so dam perfect and anyone would love to have you as their partner! Hell even I would!" I then realized, maybe I didn't wanna be with Vanessa, maybe I wanted to be with schlatt. Yes, I do wanna be with schlatt. "Here how about we go somewhere else, I'm gonna take you to a beautiful place ok?" Schlatt nodded as I stood up taking his hand after I payed. I dragged him to a Clift with the most beautiful view of the sunset, thankfully the sun was setting right now. I sat down, schlatt did so to. I pulled him closer. "Schlatt...I don't wanna be with Vanessa..."  (I'm saying her name is Vanessa) "I wanna be with you." Schlatts eyes widened. "Will you be my valentine?" Schlatt hesitated for a second, but then said, "yes!! Of course I'll be your valentine!" I stood up, he jumped into my arms right after. I kissed him. Something I had been wanting to do forever. We broke the kiss seconds later,
"I love you" 
"I love you to wilbur"

That's the first part of the prompts folks! Hope you enjoyed! :)

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